
Honestly, I don't buy it. I can see the need for having kosher salt and iodized salt but I think the whole sea-salt thing is a way to take money from foodies.

@timgray: Spending money on Casablanca is never money wasted.

I only "pirate" when I cannot get a legal copy. This is the case for games that now sell for $100s of dollars used and the companies see no need (or can't) release them in other methods.

Why not go the thrift store or yard sale route then? My fiancee and I got a huge box of Yorktown dishes by Pfaltzgraff for free! Only one cup was badly chipped as to be unusable.

I remember wanting to play that on my Gamecube so badly. I'm glad Gamestop never did preorders for it as I would've put the money down.

But that handwriting all looks completely readable to me.

How do these compare to the EU cases, though. I have a couple UK versions of DS games and the cases are slightly thicker.

Very interesting. Also an alternative to this is if you have a plate that has a slight crack in it put some clear nail polish over the crack. That way dirt, finger grime etc won't get in and make the crack more noticeable.

I always wanted to try Arcana Heart 1 but I never got around to it. Think it's worth picking up at some point?

I just wish I could find a decent Peach figure. My fiancee and I are doing Mario & Peach on our wedding cake and while Mario figures are everywhere, Peach is a bit harder to find.

Good to know someone has functioning eyes and brains. :-)

I'm hoping if anything comes out of the housing market collapse it would be that we eliminate these "sub-prime" or risky loans. The banks were in many ways forced to give out these loans by politicians and corrupt political action groups like ACORN or so-called community organizers.

I don't know that I would want to do that with one of my fountain pens. I'd just refill them.

And we all know how well THAT worked out!

Yeah I forgot that people can't be trusted to take care of themselves.

The Federal government will not do anything. We really need a Constitutional Convention called by the States.

I have never EVER been screwed by a bank. I don't get this whole notion of everyone crying and whining that they can't pay their mortgage or student loans that they were somehow forced by an evil bank to take on. Seriously, the best way to protect consumers is to make them pay for their own stupidity. Eventually they

I'm for that!! Or how about STOP SPENDING MY MONEY!

@Xacor: Indeed, my fiancee goes out with people from her work for dinner and the other night we went to a birthday party for her boss.

@dsh: But then people would just stop going due to the high price. The market would fix itself. It always does when left to its own devices.