
I'd socialize with the people at work if we shared any interests whatsoever. It's kind of tough being the kid who plays video games and watches classic movies in a company full of older people whose main joy in life is football.

@crazypills77: If I had tons of vacation time I would have no problem taking half days to play video games or to watch a movie or something.

@UnderLoK: Hear hear! Accounting is much the same way as us IT grunts. No one really enjoys it but someone has to do it and the pay and stability is good.

My way to avoid getting ripped off is to not watch the Super Bowl at all. I'll probably be watching one of my F.W. Murnau films I just got in. That's a much better use of an HDTV IMO. ;-)

@BubbleF**kingBuddy: I thought the saying was "Mopeds are like fat girls. They are hella fun to ride but you don't want your friends to know you have one. "

@ellemdee: yeah but that looks so ghetto.

@DalekSten: No I'm dead serious (though with a little bit of a wink) I'd love to see more hacks where the point was to take a $10 item look close to a $50 item.

Definitely my film cameras. Though with Kodachrome gone I'll have to do a lot of experimenting to find a good replacement film. Kodak's Ektar 100 seems to fit the bill, though.

I knew I saw this before and it's well worth repeating for people who haven't seen it before. My question is, why does every great hack have to look so ghetto? Maybe we need a Style-Hacker or something for making cheap stuff look and perform like expensive stuff. ;-)

@vidhagans: Yeah except I want a workable D-Pad. The Nyko wired PS3 controller is okay but I am just missing the old style controllers.

@AerithLovesTifa: Dude, you can get a used 360 for $100 and the game for $20. It's really not worth getting all nerd raged about.

Can anyone recommend a good SNES style controller for the PC? I used to have a great Gravis Game Pad back in the day but that used the Joystick port which, of course, is no longer on PCs. I use a PS2 style controller now but it just doesn't feel the same.

@BeefSupreme: Ditto! Make me a Thermos that I can use for 50 years and we'll talk eco-friendly.

I call it Compuserve's moving images.

Just an FYI, if you don't want to use these as picture hangers your local Shriners probably collect them as scrap metal to use to fund the Shriner's Children's Hospital.

@dunetiger - Free DaiMac!: No but I was the third of five kids. When we misbehaved (which we often did) mom or dad would put us in line. I don't want a big brother screen staring at my proverbial future kids. There's evidence out there that TV and video games and stuff before the age of 5 actually causes a few minor

I have that exact same free Flash drive (except mine says Avaya/Nortel) and I really don't know why I would want to take the logo off of it.

@Archaotic: indeed, besides I already bought Vesperia on the 360 (and haven't touched more than 10 minutes of it) so I have time to play that before this comes out.

Wow, the whole notion of electronic babysitters is absolutely infuriating! We really are turning into the blobs from Wall-E.