The BattleTurkey

Different strokes for different people. You’re certainly in the minority, although given the subjective nature of these sorts of things that doesn’t mean you’re wrong by any standards. Just means your standards are different than most.

...Man with the Machine Gun?

Out of the greys with you! I like your thoughts. They’re like my thoughts except you say it much more eloquently.

Final Fantasy VII and not VIII? I get that there’s a lot of (undeserved) dislike for eight and seven is a circlejerk with one-winged-angel, but fans and haters almost universally agree that VIII has one of the best soundtracks in the series to date.

Oh trust me, I’m not saying Trump ISN’T childish, but in my eyes this is literally the same as Obama’s birth certificate. That was some stupid shit that my side pulled. But as stupid as it was, it’s even more stupid for progressives to try and pull what amounts to the exact same card four years later. There’s no

Your response is childish, vitriolic, and completely unnecessary. I tried to give input to an open conversation and you respond with entirely unearned hatred. It’s frustrating that this is the accepted level of political discourse in this country, and that goes for both sides, although I see it MUCH more from the left.

I forgot I was on Jezebel. Anything further right than a Clinton is considered a neo-Nazi. Fuckin progressives...

I mean... it brought out the truth and it’s another childish thing people can stop arguing about. Doesn’t seem like much of a downside to that, but I also lean quite right.

I’m so glad the “grunts” in this game are the most threat. By grunts I really mean the enemies you encounter the most frequently. Even in damn near perfect games like Zelda (haven’t played BotW), the enemies aren’t really a challenge and it’s only minibosses that give you a run for your money. Shadow of the Colossus

Uhm. Am adult. I freaking love reading the instruction manuals.

But honestly. The last game I got with an instruction manual was The Witcher 3 on PS4, and damn that was awesome to read through. Instruction manual, lore guide, map of the world, a note from CD Projekt Red... little things that make the game SO much better in my estimation.

It could use a little bit of work but it’s a fairly solid start.

Ahem. Final Fantasy?

I went in with hype on full blast. Finished the game with hype over 9000. A few months out from the game, it’s middled out somewhat but I still think it’s a damn good game. Haven’t purchased the pass, don’t even know if I intend to. I’d say it’s indisputably worth full price.

Hey Jason, this isn’t a dig at you but would you clarify the article to say that the spoiler in the trailer spoils the DLC? I figured you meant it spoiled the base game. Was wrong. I don’t care all that much so it’s not like I have a horse in this race, but it might be nice for other folk. Just a suggestion!

And this is where I will unashamedly change the subject and ask have you played The Witcher 3? (Like I said, I have no shame. That’s a damn good game.)

Is that from in-game or is it cosplay? I honestly can’t tell. I’m leaning towards game. I’m amazed that I even have to ask that. We live in the future.

Mmm, you’re right. I missed the part where he’s 22 and saw where he mentioned he was “moving to attend college.” Made me think he was a high schooler. Good catch.

Holy shit. That’s fucked up.

Sounds like he might be a highschooler recently in college, although I’m not sure about that. It would be a much bigger commitment if neither party has a car or at least consistent access to one. That’s a big transition time, yo.