I.... I was being facetious.
I.... I was being facetious.
Exceptions that prove the rule :) (I always hate this argument, haha)
People are making good counterpoints below, but I still think you make a good point. I mean, I’m stealing borrowing my brother’s WiiU and buying a copy of Zelda before I’m buying Horizon, even though Horizon has been one of my most anticipated games on the PS4 for a long long time. I don’t think Horizon will suffer…
Yup. This is the same principle that teachers use to develop critical thinking. If a student working a problem is frustrated, they have to employ critical thinking to overcome the problem. Problems that don’t generate frustration don’t enable critical thinking, and are usually just solved with repetition (which is a…
This was much of the joy of Final Fantasy XV, for me. The visual design was so spot on that I was able to forget a lot of the technical flaws of the game and just enjoy living in the world for a couple (cough, 90 some) hours. Luckily, I hear Zelda has that wonder WITHOUT the technical flaws. Can’t wait to play it.
Korok seed puzzles have an innate video game logic to them, a sort of design sense that Nintendo truly excels at. Just look at Mario: how do we often just know the location of a hidden block, invisible to the sight? How do we know that in a side-scrolling Donkey Kong level, it might be worth going to the left, rather…
Everything about this article makes me happy on the inside. Especially knowing that you can climb trees in-game. I can’t wait to play this and spend stupid amounts of hours just climbing trees.
That’s a weighty statement. I hope it’s true.
Ahem. May I suggest, Plink?
For some reason my mind goes straight to Keanu Reeves. I blame John Wick 2.
Huh, I had no idea this game was so close to release. Glad to hear it’s phenomenal. It ought to be exactly what fans are looking for. I’m surprised to hear the facial animations are poor (the faces look lovely and very real in the trailer footage), any chance we could get some follow up info on that bit?
Artist seems to have a fetish for characters with extra hands/arms.
Happens a couple of times that the people have too many hands. I think it’s intentional, but I really have no idea. Could just be an oversight.
This is good Kinja. Agreed on all points. XV really hit the heart of the series, even though it stumbled in a lot of technical issues.
Counterpoint: it takes like ten seconds to figure out the quirks and mentally adjust, and a HUDless experience is much more rewarding because of the excellent and unparalleled world design which gives context clues at every step.
Counterpoint, hot take: for someone playing the game for the first time, it’s certainly nowhere near revolutionary. However, every individual component of the game is probably the best among the Final Fantasy series. I know this will be heresy to Schreier (and most of Kinja) but I thought VI was equal with XV. I beat…
Smartphone. Computer. Literally anything but the awful console browser that requires me to suspend my game and open another program on my console, which I can do approximately a bajillion times faster using the other methods.
Who the fuck actually uses a console browser though? I used my PS4 browser once and it was to leave a Google search of “tiddies” up for a snapchat because I’m dumb and thought it was funny.
I don’t think they really meant online parties and stuff, I think they meant actual human contact like Cartoonivore mentioned below. Ya know, the dying art of splitscreen.