Double XP wins this round.
Double XP wins this round.
Ike and Lyn were fantastic characters! Eirika and Ephraim could stand to be a lot higher, like a LOT higher, but otherwise the lists look pretty good to me. I love me some Joshua and Mia. Oh, and kick Tharja off the list. Ugh, Tharja. The Japanese part of the internet had way too much fun with her.
Funny, that was the ugliest trailer they’ve released so far, and yet... it also gave me the first hype I’ve had for this game. Dang.
Kotaku should do a poll!!!
That stoicism works better in males. Because typically men are stoic, and women are not. Tumblr can argue gender nonsense all day but this is what we practically see.
Yup. None of us want to say it, but let’s get this out of the bag: waifus.
You have an opinion and I respect your right to say it. I also happen to agree with you, but that’s besides the point.
I mean it IS a good point, I just happened to not mind it at the time (or now, for that matter).
Good point, I hadn’t thought of that. I didn’t really think about it at the time, but the ending felt appropriate to me. We all must face death alone...
Funny, this very afternoon I started my second reading of I, Robot. What an author, what a dude. Foundation is phenomenal as well. As a mathematics major, I’m ecstatic for the representation.
The Mule definitely changed the pacing of the books. It was something different, but I didn’t like it any less. It certainly made for a more compelling story which was largely contained to one time period and set of characters (something that the rest of the previous books did not do at all).
I’m a mathematics major at university and I ADORE Foundation for its “unconventional” sciences.
I argued against Cindy in the promotional materials for the game and hated her at first; by the end of the story, I actually quite liked her (hilarious and gratuitous windshield washing notwithstanding). If you go through her quest line you find that not only is her voice actress quite talented, but she also has more…
My college bookstore sells cup noodles for cheap. I’m considering getting one just for the hell of it.
Budget cuts. I liked the solo aspect, I’m referring to your demon comment.
Anybody know what that music is that starts RIGHT at the end of the trailer? The 1:21 mark is where the cute trills happen that I’m talking about. I swear I heard that in a track, just wondering if anybody recognizes it.
I’d argue it wasn’t entirely wasted based on the sheer number of fans who have enjoyed a fairly cohesive experience, myself included. But yes, it could have been sooooo much more... I would love to see a completed version, but I guess this game will always be the one that got away. Unlike many other fans, I don’t see…
Yup, that was my experience.
Aww, I liked the sphere puzzles. The first one was horribly frustrating, yes, mostly because they didn’t explain any of it and it was sort of jarring narratively. But by the end of the game I found they were very clever!