The BattleTurkey

It’s really not that bad. Frustrating, yes. About 15-30 minutes longer than it should have been, yes. But it’s totally manageable. I entered the “linear half” (I forget which chapter it is) somewhere around the low 30's, and finished the game at level 45 on normal mode. You’ll be fine.

I replied to you in your original thread, but I would replace OP’s “narrative” with “atmosphere” and I think that there’s a better argument to be made there.

I agree on all major points. But I unapologetically loved the second half, mostly because of potential and atmosphere. The writing was awful and I will not disagree one bit there (I found it bearable, but I find most things bearable if I like them enough). However, the atmosphere that they developed in the second

As to your first point - yes, I agree.

Chain Chronicles got an anime? I played the mobile game and it was a good time waster. I remember falling in love with the art style which is probably 95% of the reason I kept playing.

I may have asked this before, but is ebony really that good?

I thought it was hilarious. The Coleman stuff just fit, and the rest of it was just so intentionally inserted as gags that I couldn’t stop laughing. I think history will look favorably on it.

The combat was pretty easy, but I set it on whatever difficulty you got health regen from sleeping. Kinda disappointed that it went away with increasing difficulty.

Huh, something just clicked. I also fell in love with the game, just recently bought the DLC and have yet to start them. I guess it’s because the ending was so phenomenally satisfying that I (for once) just did not feel the need to put any more time into the world. And I usually hate completing games for that very

Same boat for me (with slightly less playtime). I just bought the two expansions and am super pumped to begin them, I just have a little bit of backlog to finish up. From all that I’ve heard, the two main DLC are 150% worth the price.

If you aren’t in love with the game and you’ve gotten to the Bloody Baron quest, you probably don’t need to finish it.

This. This is good Kinja. Also my experience.

“That’s not how the Force works!”

I perfectly agree. They set up a prequel story PERFECTLY, and I’m not even one who normally loves the ideas of prequels. The only trouble is finding a convincing gigantic danger, since we know that the world is safe in the future. That’s the problem with prequels, really.

Get you a nice lean Trump(TM) steak.

I played through the series for the first time last summer, I got the collection with 1-3 and then 4 and played through them all one after the other. Frankly, I do think 4 was the best of the series. Certainly the most technologically advanced, certainly the longest story (more time played = more happy customer), and

I wish that somebody would blockquote portions of Albert Burneko’s writing below this paragraph and join me in making halting, inarticulate, baffled vocalizations at them.

I’m somewhat familiar with camera work, I studied film in high school and did a lot of hands on work with film. So when I see shots angled so that they are intentionally upskirting a female for no other reason than fanservice, that really bothers me. Not only is the sexuality completely immersion breaking, but from a

Did they? I played TW3 very recently and I still hate those damn candles.

I love how this influx of FFVI articles is happening alongside my playthrough of VI. I’ve almost beaten it! I’m at the end with the sidequests, just found my last party member, and am just finding the fun items and sidequests/power leveling before I finish. It’s been fun.