The BattleTurkey

My personal theory is that they’re doing a lot of the heavy lifting for worldbuilding with this shared universe so that they can avoid doing it in-game, which would slow down the plot tremendously. It’s also a brilliant marketing strategy, as you mentioned, but I really do believe it’s for the first reason.

If your definition of Final Fantasy was based on the combat system, I think you fell in love with the series for the wrong reason. The world building and unique possibilities for storytelling were always what set FF apart from other series. Simply put, nobody else can do what they do.

Japanese voiceover will be FREE and downloadable from the last I heard. It has to be downloaded because it’s something like 25gb worth of audio and cutscene files. I’m spitballing off the top of my memory btw.

I believe we’ll get temporary female party members fairly frequently. In the intro footage that got released, I remember a sequence where Noct wanders around town with a girl whose name I forget. I imagine the same thing will happen with Luna and with other ladytypes.

So it’s going to be a traditional Final Fantasy game. Yup. About what I expected as well, haha.

When has the plot NOT been meh in the last 2o years (at least, according to the fans)? I’ve personally enjoyed the plot of every FF game that I’ve played, and I just beat VIII. The plot has always been confusing and overreaching since VII onwards, but it’s always been glorious as well. I believe XV has set up enough

Hear hear!

Cid. ;)

Ah, I thought you were asking for opinions on the games. Mah bad.

Hahaha yeah that was a bit silly. Auron was my favorite, but Yuna and Tidus had very decent arcs I believe. They’re fairly realistic characters instead of superhuman with abilities to predict every event, which I felt made them a lot more relatable than a lot of protagonists. They made mistakes and did dumb things,

Oh lordy, I’m glad to see a long time fan who ISN’T flaming this game. I’ve only beaten X, VIII, and Type-0, (and I’ll be playing VI before XV comes out) but I’m still crazy excited for this. I want to get around to all the FF games at some point, but it’s tough since they’re not all the easiest to get a hold of.

Oh my gosh it’s a month away. Ughhhhh. Patience is hard.

As I recall (faulty memory always being a possibility) that was because the dumbasses didn’t properly ventilate it. Oftentimes at displays the consoles are shoved into tiny little boxes for the sake of the show, which obviously is NOT good for the system at all. Again, just memory so a fact check would not be at all

I beat VIII (on PC) last weekend and beat X (remastered on PS4) a couple of months ago, and I can confirm that they are amazing. I think I liked X just a little bit more but Squall and Tidus are great characters, despite the internet. The games themselves are great, although I confess I used the cheats to power

I think they proved they can do Final Fantasy multiplayer with XIV, which is why they’re adding it in here (obviously it’s going to be worlds apart, but I mean lore wise which is what you’re worried about.)

This looks incredible. The plot is Shakespeare (legitimately a combination between Hamlet & Romeo and Juliet), the combat still looks amazing (I know CG trailers are no true indicator, but like in the KH games the CG trailers capture the feeling of combat), and the visual direction is spot on. I think this is going to

Totally awesome. The combat is fantastic (even if it isn’t the classic) and I think this trailer proved that the plot is going to be incredible as long as it doesn’t overcomplicate itself (I think they learned that from 13???)

YES. This will be a great reason to replay the games on newer tech, and an awesome way to have them all in one location. Any news on whether they’re going to be upscaled any further or is it a straight port?

DM here: I just wrapped up a 6 month campaign last weekend, and it was awesome. I enjoyed that a lot and that’s probably what I’m going to be running the most of, but our group is trying a shorter (3-5 weekend) campaign now and I’m really excited to see how it goes. It’s all homebrew so we don’t go off of modules, but

I love you, Fahey. Not sure I can get behind the cutesy chibi stacking nonsense, but I might give this a try.