The BattleTurkey

The internet tossed the hook, he took the bait, you reeled in a big ole fish. Well done.

That Alice in Wonderland is hilarious and adorable. Well (cos)played, madam.

I blame Jason.

14 years???

NO. FUck you. I just finished rewatching the series and I don’t need this emotional bullshit again.

All good! I just wasn’t sure if you were worried about hardware or whatnot. I have a PC and PS4 and lately I’ve been investing more in my PS4 (The Witcher III and Final Fantasy XV!!!), although Star Citizen is definitely going to force me to upgrade. I can sympathize with ye dirty console peasantry ;)

Eh, it’s a very easy game to run. Even with an email machine you could probably run it just fine. If you just don’t want to, then that’s a different story.

Yeah, I’m feeling the itch too. I’ll give it a few days, see if it wears off, and then jump back in. Might be nice to try a new romance (although Abby was the easy choice from the start for me.) New farm types could be awesome! Sheds for brewing will be great! It’s like this update know everything that we wanted in an


I haven’t played a Final Fantasy that wasn’t special. Whether or not it’s the “best” in the series, it was a damn good game that hasn’t even come close to being replicated in the industry. The setting was unique, the characters were fine (and I even liked most of them by the end of the game, faults and shallowness and

Okay, so you’re out of Zanarkand. You’re a water-soccer star who has daddy issues, who just got saved from the destruction of your city by your dad’s best friend Auron (the #BAMF of this game).

Yup, our new overlords are gracious to be sure.

Depends on where you are, really. Still in Zanarkand?

I don’t think there’s any question that the art direction for Final Fantasy X was a large part of what made it so special. Great header image. I’m sad to see Naora go, but I hope his independent contributions in the future are as iconic as some of his past work.

Heh, I remember her art. It was very distinct, very good. I think it’s actually the metric to which I hold online video game art whenever I browse it. That and comics. But yeah, her stuff was great. NP was great. Nintendo is great. I just love things.

It actually sounds really cool. Now if only the same concept were applied to a co-op RPG......

As a former sound tech operator, I can confirm that we all make incessant Star Wars references, including but not limited to: pew pew sounds when pushing buttons, dial-up noises when raising levels, and pretending to pilot a starship whenever we have the misfortune of handling any stick with 360 degrees of motion.

Oh man. This just gives me another reason to play more of this game. So good. So. Freaking. Good.

And my friends online wonder why he won’t be elected.

Ugh I love this game so much. Emily as a romance means another great reason to play it again, although I totally shipped her with Clint on my first playthrough.