The BattleTurkey

Did you just say Tim Tebow?

doesn’t know how breasts work

I’m your 666th star and I think that’s appropriate for how much hell you deserve for that. Beautiful.

In other news: Twitter is a cesspool of the worst people on the internet who conveniently have too much time on their hands and too little brain to properly use it. Moving on?

Eh I think it’s a reasonable position for full contact sports like wrestling, but soccer??? I’ve never heard of this for soccer. And I went to a private Christian high school.

That’s evil. Good for them, haha.

Uhm. It kinda is tangential though. A lot of gamers (myself included) game and participate in online communities to escape all the shit that goes on in our worlds, so yeah, I can totally understand people getting upset that it’s getting dragged into their community.

One of my best friends in high school was a brilliant foreign exchange student from South Korea so I got to think about this a lot, actually. I noticed that while their English is very well structured, it’s very academic in nature and loses a lot of the heart of the language. The slang and quirks, ya know?

It’s actually quite clever until it isn’t.

I doubt it’ll be distracting in -game, but yeah in this trailer it was pretty obvious.

Remember when Pokemon and Fire Emblem were about challenging core gameplay and sticking to a tried and true method and not about appealing to-

Looks good. As some commenters have noted, the hair bounce is a bit much. I doubt it will be distracting in game though, likely it’ll just look good.

It should be the new standard for video game reviews here. I miss the good old days when you could just scroll down to the big box that said YES or NO or NOT YET and move on with your life. It’s time to spice things up again.

Well, I mean, it does still pop out at you in a way that current games don’t. I watched my brother play this game and the visuals are captivating.

I hope the little details show in other areas of the game as well. I for one have high hopes.

Bwahahaha this is amazing, you’re totally right.

Cat school? Casual. Bear school all the way.

Go to hell.

Yeah it looks like a lot more of the Shakespearean intrigue made it in than we thought. I’m glad, even if it is played as a little bit cheesy.

Hey what the flip are you talking about you little heck? I’ll freaking darn you, you flipping flipper.