I think the Game of Thrones guys could do a decent job. Decent, I say. I like how they’ve handled the long political game thus far, although we’ve lost some of the politics in these later seasons.
I think the Game of Thrones guys could do a decent job. Decent, I say. I like how they’ve handled the long political game thus far, although we’ve lost some of the politics in these later seasons.
Is this Jezebel? Is- is this comment even allowed here?
Jason, can it with the spoilers, will ya? Yesterday (I think it was you) posted a GoT article with the Tower of Joy prominently in the headline and image (I hadn’t seen the episode yet and I was disappointed to find out early that it was in this episode) and now today you spoil the biggest secret of one of the more…
This is exactly the type of compromise that us pro-lifers want. Thank you for running this article and raising awareness, I hope we see more of these.
I know, I know, but the article was specifically about the aesthetic. Not gameplay, lore, etc. Aesthetically, I think Dark Forces beats out KOTOR pretty easily, although KOTOR is still pretty high up on the list (especially since it broke ground by having so many, well, every location be original.)
Haha my bias is for Cruz, so I don’t give a damn what happens on the other side of the line. Especially now. Sigh.
Ah, yes, those 6 extra delegates out of the 80 were really what he needed to win the campaign /sarc
Major upset? He scored 42 to her 36. Yay. 6 extra delegates when he’s hundreds behind. I’m sorry, I want him over Hillary but this is just ridiculous. He’s out.
My first paycheck this summer is buying this game. Full price or sale, I don’t care. He deserves the whole thing.
It was her screenname that got me.
Nah, for the most part we’re pretty chill. Especially when we deserve it, haha. His routine was hilarious the whole way through (although I think he overdid it with the zodiac killer jokes.)
Sure enough, they come out in droves. Agreed though, the trailer seems to completely forget everything that made Ghostbusters funny and uses all the things that didn’t make it funny. I think they got the secretary just right though, that’s a great twist.
It was a joke, silly.
When you need to roll 20d6 but you’re too lazy?
C’mon, Jason, be honest: you just wanted an excuse to get paid to play all the Final Fantasy games again.
I like this. I think Nintendo is going to go into the app industry with their integrity intact. I mean, Miitomo has its issues but it’s pretty stinkin fun.
Um. Those are NorthEastern states, his home turf. He was expected to dominate there, but didn’t get far over 50% in what’s really a two person race. Not domination in the slightest.
Heh, the funny thing is that I’m not even a COD fan. I’ve never bought a single game (MW2 was bought for me on Steam and I’ve played less than an hour on it.) Those were just fantastic names.
I would buy most of those.
Unwatchable? Hardly. That’s ridiculous. GoT has certainly declined in quality this season, but it’s still a sight better than 90% of the shows out there. Even if you hate the story and the characters, it’s worth the hour to see the gorgeous visuals, excellent camerawork, and above-average (and usually excellent)…