Battered Suitcase, Hotel Someplace

Rocky Takes Manhattan, Rocky Goes Bananas, Rocky In Space, Three Men, A Baby & Rocky

He got that peoples’ court show in the 80's. I’m sure he’s alright.

He got that peoples’ court show in the 80's. I’m sure he’s alright.

it’s also like, he didn’t even come up with the idea isn’t it largely inspired (more or less) by real events?

Not to mention that “choice” means just that. You can’t want choice for women then be upset when they make a selection you disagree with. Plenty of women choose to give birth and allow a family who can’t conceive to adopt their children.

It is definitely a shame and a sin that Chuck Wepner doesn’t own any of the Rocky franchise rights.

The flip side is that the rights for “the little guy” are often not protected until some medium guy bitches enough that they become codified. I’m not saying “oh if Rocky gets a piece then it’ll filter down to comics creators” but sometimes it does work like that to some extent.

Maybe I am a hypocrite but I am a lot less concerned about Stallone getting any rights to Rocky than I am for say a comic artist or writer getting paid for an MCU movie.

It is definitely a shame and a sin that Chuck Wepner doesn’t own any of the Rocky franchise rights.

I love that she made a sequel with Janet Jackson called Son of a Gun where she builds on the mythology. In particular, she dismisses Mick Jagger all together: “The apricot scarf was worn by Nick. Nothing in the words referred to Mick.” Nick refers to novelist Nicholas Delbanco, who was involved with Simon in the

Thank you. I was going say this but glad someone else already did. The internet and the need for daily content has killed the writing profession. Writers barely even know what words mean now.

Am I the only one who didn’t hear the lyrics as “cross-eyed bear”? I’m starting to think they should’ve cut to one in the music video just so people wouldn’t get confused.

References are not puns.

It’s about Mick Jagger.

Now playing

He’s lucky she didn’t throw a “I bet you think this song is about you” line in there.

I’d suggest going to find a plane to hug because look at who you’re debating this point with.

Nah— in Canada you have to convert to metric units first and then give your solution in mangled French.

Look at some of the comments here when someone violates a perceived standard of racial sensitivity. These commenters wouldn’t say they’re being mean, they’d say they’re trying to inform someone about the ways they have erred. I’m sure the people who through Wu was betraying Asian Americans were similarly able to

And to think the world views us uncultured!