Battered Suitcase, Hotel Someplace

“You’ve been here four hour!”

That’s not right!”

No wait, I’m sorry. That’s a different comic.

“You’ve been here four hour!”

I’ve been watching some of his old clips, and finding it striking that his material hinges on the audience seeing him as a big ol’ fat dude, despite the fact that he’s not exactly huge by today’s standards.

Louie Anderson will always have a warm place in my heart because Life with Louie was a Fox Kids regular here in Poland as “Świat według Ludwiczka” (“The World According to Louie”). Fantastic dub, a lot of great jokes and very relatable situations made it a cult classic among my generation and anyone born in the early

Now playing

We were lucky to have him as long as we did — he was in-between meals:

McDowell’s Employee of the Month.

It’s interesting to see how involved Billingsley has stayed with the original story in various formats, and I remember the ‘94 sequel starring Kieran Culkin, Charles Grodin and Mary Steenburgen called My Summer Story, but after a quick google search, I had no idea that there were two other sequels already. 

They could have gone the Cobra Kai route and centered it on a reconciliation between Ralphie and Scut Farkus.

Do Basil the Great Mouse Detective, you cowards!

I hope it keeps a Christmas Story 2 canon. 


That was Lady and the Tramp and believe it or not they already remade that....

The Aristocats is not a bad movie and it’s not unexpected that it’s being remade but just like the Lion King, don’t call it a live action remake. Unless they're training cats and birds it’s still an animated film that will just look more realistic.

In an effort to avoid cultural appropriation, Disney is committed to casting an actor of Thai descent to play the Siamese cat. But don’t worry, the racist accent stays as a winking nod to the fans.

I introduced the concept of the Aristocrats to some people just the other night, but fortunately the duty of telling the joke itself was taken up by another friend who also knew about it. I’ve never tried telling the joke myself, and I’m not sure I’m up to the job.


It could be really interesting if you tell it from the family cat’s perspective...

What do you call that?

Who else saw a slightly different name when they first saw that title and went “Wait, what? How???”.

That was my first thought - let’s go after all the fathers NOT paying child support as they should THEN we can talk about any additional kids and the economic burden that might require.  It’d still be a stupid idea but at least lets get our priorities straight.