Similar thing: WWE Legend Ricky Steamboat? Real name: Richard Blood.
Similar thing: WWE Legend Ricky Steamboat? Real name: Richard Blood.
Yeah. Progress. A centimeter forward IS progress.
This, this is so weird to me. When I was something like 10 or 11 years old I instinctively learned that it wasn’t okay to talk about people you jerk off to, to *anyone*.
Seems like a full frontal (haha) acknowledgement that having sex in a horror movie will get you murderized.
But don’t ask how they do it.
Name recognition. That’s genuinely the answer. Things keep getting brought back even when they shouldn’t because the brand has power and that is, sadly, the only thing the people in charge of making these decisions care about. So the people tasked with doing the revival have to deal with whatever baggage comes with it.
Can we not use people’s twitter handles as their real names?
They make sausage too?
Those Bastards, by releasing banger after banger, have conditioned my brain to release endorphines as soon as the logo appears on the screen.
I’m willing to give anything released by A24 a shot.
Wait actual question though, why in the world would anybody named Indiana Black choose to go by ‘Froskurinn’ when she could instead go by ‘Indiana Black’?
If your gut reaction to this is to get defensive (like many people in the twitter replies) then it might be time to start examining your personal bias.
I can tell the rapist was a white man because if he were brown/black the book would have been thrown at him.
A24: We pretty much just make horror films now.
Hopefully, at the least, this causes those douchebag viewers to just go away.
I am prepared to do my duty
After the last thing I heard about Coulier in the theatre, I’m not sure that’d go down well.
Bob Saget would have been a good host, actually. Now they’ll probably have to settle for Dave Coulier.
Look, sometimes you gotta make a batch of night-night chicken tenders to shut the kids up.
Damn you 2022!!!!!