This is absolutely setting up Elias (and possibly Ezekiel) to join the NWA
This is absolutely setting up Elias (and possibly Ezekiel) to join the NWA
I mean, it depends on the story thay we want to tell. Netflix also did a series about a real woman that was raped while completely ignoring her as a character. It was phenomenal, wa nominated for a bunch of Emmy’s and was universally praised because we all decided that the woman who was actually assaulted didn't…
Once you've translated an inebriated Vince Neil back into English, anything else is easy.
For people in general. Even Patton Oswalt did a bit about changing terms and not being able to keep up and that progressives need to relax occasionally.
I never understood what was so important about people fucking cars or whatever the hell the point of that movie was
Was Muppets Mayhem canceled, or was it meant to be a one off? I thought they were going to do other related Muppets shows, a Muppet Cinematic Universe.
I have the same problem with Gervais as I do with John Mulaney, Jim Jeffries, and a few other comedians dating back to Dice. They're so concerned with playing to their audience and making sure the jokes are aimed at the right people, they forget to be funny. As an actually funny comedian said "applause is voluntary,…
Eh, cancer is probably worse than celebrity.
I'm an Eagles fan that had a Starting Lineup figure of Keith Byers, and I would not know who it is.
We've said that exact same thing about Jason Voorhees
I hate gendered insults. Just say he's an asshole.
Santa had it coming
Personally, I think she should lead a charge to have the Chiefs waive Travis so he can reunite with his brother, who just happens to be on a team that currently needs a tight end. The fact that I’m an Eagles fan has nothing to do with my feelings here.
It’s not like the biggest country music star in the world going from a star QB to a mediocre 3rd line centre.
Because when you try to kill someone, you go to jail. DUI is attempting to kill people. Just because she was unsuccessful, doesn't mean she didn't try.
Whats weird is, we do have real, unscripted competition shows. We call them sports.
Which means more people will die driving to the turkey dinner than making it.
I'd be cool with The Drew Carey Show coming back
5 years ago, Kevin Pang wrote a wonderful article about this scumbag and the attachment to his food.
Worked at one without gas for 6 years. Came down here to say that same thing