
Texas ain’t nothin’ but steers and profiteers.

Grouper, cod, they all smelt like the salmon

Someone cod’ve helped a little.

I think the thing is, you never get to decide for another person whether or not they’d “rather know” or “rather not.” I don’t know how I’d react if my partner told me he was cheating — whether I would want to work it out, whether I’d need a break, etc. I might be really unhappy knowing. But he doesn’t get to pick for

Or his taste.

Look at the bright side. If he’s convicted of a third degree felony, the team’s graduation rate will increase by 600%.

Stories like this one are the reason why I purchased a personal computer and modem which I use to connect to the information superhighway. My wife said I was a fool. “Ten thousand dollars a month?!” she said. But who is laughing now, Babs? I. I am the one who is laughing. For though you received our home and children

True story: Jesper is originally Swiss, not Norwegian, but Switzerland had him expelled when he refused to do moguls.

And they said Kobe couldn’t get people up out of their seats anymore.

Darius Wright: They misquoted me. It was a“burning trainwreck,” but I was exaggerating. I didn’t “rescue” anyone. Shayanna Jenkins will tell you, I dropped her off back at her house after we had coffee.

Sir you are under arrest for selling apples intellectually property. We’re going to have to put you in these iCuffs and take you in the iPaddyWagon to iJail where you will wait in a black turtle neck until you are able to be iRraigned.

DO: Go out and buy that fancy car to pick up new trim in.

Typical millennial. All meme meme meme.

R G Twee

Nothing worse than seeing a former teammate, leader, and inspiration leaving a trail of tears as he walks out the door, one Blackfoot following the other.

Blair Walsh Lived A Kicker’s Nightmare

Leslie I just got you out of the greys and I feel very sad.

By promoting this comment, I’m giving Poopnachos more views, thereby validating him in his own mind

“This drinking problem could’ve been from years ago.”

100% the appeal of a couch. Yes, putting your feet on tables etc is rude. Putting your shoes on anything is rude. But bare feet? Sure, maybe not in someone elses pristine living room when you’re being served high tea, but certainly you can put your own damn feet on your own damn sofa in your own damn house. #murica