Batman of Brooklyn

Yeah the new Gypsy is weird. I was hoping that it was going to be gag, like for a second she has a normal voice until something breaks down then its back to old Gypsy.

Yeah seconded. I would have a hard time telling new crow apart from Trace.

Wheaton, yes. But smug idiot always annoyed me. Erin I didn't mind one bit. I used to watch the Buck Rogers reruns when I was 5. I wanted to marry her.

Xenu, that's why.

Karen in Daredevil, and Fish Mooney in Gotham. Every fucking time they're on…

Funny thing, the second he was sworn in I unfollowed @Potus, I just checked and apparently I was still following it. Ugh.

True dat.

Something tells me that this is all an act from Beck. I mean isn't Tomi Lahren on The Blaze? He probably personally hired her.

In case no one mentioned, but yeah it is Ona according to IMDB.

Non-canon, so it doesn't count.

It's cute that you think so.

Yeah, those arrows are pretty okay. They're not utility belt / bat-a-rang / batmobile / batcave / batwing okay. But they're fine I guess.

You're right. Getting sandwiches for the rest of the Avengers does keep Hawkeye too busy for brooding.

It's called Arrow, it's on the CW.

I think if he appreciated the history he'd make better music. I'm sure he's a nice person and says his pleases and thank yous and whatnot, but I think the in the absence of choice in main stream rock music he gets a bigger pass than he deserves.

:::Slowly raises hand::: Yeah, sorry, I just can't. I think he's just way overrated.

Actually they were 9/10ths of Nickelback. I dropped it down .5 because Dave was in Nirvana and that was a gateway band for me.

The best possible description I could give them is… slightly better than Nickelback. Just slightly. On a scale of one to ten, and ten being Nickelback Foo Fighters would be 8.5.

The prequels were terrible, but I always came out of them saying that he was the best part of them. I'd be interested in seeing an Obi Wan movie, maybe in some sort of High Noon with Jedi.

From AI, X-Factor, and Glee it's like Fox hated music with such a passion it's like its parents were murdered by a piano that was pushed off a roof by the Beatles or some shit.