Batman of Brooklyn

"Let off the guy for once."

That's literally exactly what I said. But there was no saving him. He insisted it was the opposite.

He was my Harvey Dent.

I saw 300 with a friend who was getting REALLY into the proto-alt right stuff. When we came out he was like "we're (the US) are the Spartans and they (Iraq I guess) are the Persians."

That's sweet you found a use for that Rocky speech, but here's the thing. By being nice, turning the other cheek, by going high when they go low, we ended up with Trump.

Wow, it's almost like Zack Snyder took all the criticism and then completely ignored it. Thanks WB!

Really? How did that work out in November?

Nope. Now. That little tard is going to be richer than all of us, and we're probably going to end up paying for his accommodations in one way or another for the rest of his life.

Bullshit, what about Sasha and Malia? I'm sorry that the kid has a fucked up family and chromosomes but his dad closed the door to civility a long time ago.

We're talking about Jr. Unless Barron also emailed the Russians.

Oh goodie, more things he could throw his son under.

Not to justify either of them, but at least the both of them came up with something entertaining. McG's Charlie's Angels was fun, and so was Chuck.

I actually did go and see this in the theater and it wasn't… awful. It wasn't good either.

It's a prequel! He's still alive in this one. #BringBackWelshie!

That's Star Trek for you.

I refuse to watch this unless Welshie makes a cameo appearance.

I hate this show already. Good job CBS!

Southland Tales. That was the one I almost walked out of, if it went on for another 10 minutes I would have

I think it was explained in the first episode when Jonas explained her upgrades. Something to do with her new functions, but I'm not sure. I was too surprised by that opening sequence to absorb new info.

I wasn't sure about her going in. But I do have to admit she's not terrible at it. She made me laugh a couple of times. Patton though is the man.