Batman of Brooklyn

And the upgrade system was also changed. It wasn't as good either.

Everything on CBS (double for the Big Bang Theory and 2 and a 1/2 Men), Queen, Bones, House (when it was on), and Harry Potter. All for various reasons.

My thoughts exactly.

That might start to rebuild the good will they lost when they cancelled Community.

I didn't realize how badly I wanted to see the Falcon fly again until I saw that trailer. That light saber claymore tho…

I like the show overall, but I can't stand Fish Mooney. When I see Jada Pinkett Smith I think "You helped ruin the Matrix and your kids are terrible, terrible, terrible people."

That's basically I how I felt about the characters. But the one thing that bothered me a lot, and nobody seemed to mention, was the dialog. It felt way predictable and replaceable. Almost like each line was a placeholder.

Ditto, with the exception of reading comics. But I always preferred DC characters anyway. But I liked the Avengers and I had hopes for this one.

Ugh. They're the worst.

It's still on the air? I gave AoS a shot but around episode 6 I couldn't do it anymore. I found the characters really boring and cliche, and I really couldn't care about whatever story was on the screen.

You could be right and I might have missed it. But it's nice that it was finally said in a clear manner.

The fact that it was based in Colorado was never mentioned explicitly in the show. At least not that I recall, I saw every episode at least three times. But it was mentioned on the "official" Greendale website: http://www.greendalecommuni…