Batman Lannister

That would mean Arya killed Tyrion and took his face.

It wasn't Wun Wun.

Euron is dragging someone along behind his horse while the crowd cheers, so that dispels the Dragon Horn theory as his gift for Cersei by about 99%. He's bringing a person through King's Landing that people are cheering the potential death of, so Tyrion is the best bet because last we saw of Tyrion and the population

There's absolutely no chance Jon didn't burn the dead in a giant fire, and have Wun Wun thrown in. They're not going to bury all those people. Jon and the Wildlings are not going to drag a giant's corpse into the middle of nowhere to rot a hundred miles from Winterfell for absolutely no reason, they're going to burn

I thought she was starring in a pilot that didn't get picked up? I remember being disappointed because Jack Davenport was in it, and it annoys me that the dude cannot catch a break.

Boo. The Originals was much better than it was given credit for. It annoys me that Supernatural is still going despite running out of steam about four or five seasons ago and this hasn't even been given a chance to run out of steam.

Fair enough. I'll probably do the same when I see Tom Hardy.

Fair enough. I'll probably do the same when I see Tom Hardy.

I might be really stupid (definitely) but I still don't get it. Is Harry Styles secretly a furry? Or does his name kinda sound like fuzzy?

I did not, but then again I was surprised by how many people didn't know who Ed Sheeran was on Game of Thrones the other night so I wasn't surprised someone might not know who Harry Styles was.

He is/was a member of One Direction.

This is the movie I've been waiting for all year, and I can't wait to see it. And I'm really happy to see that most people have avoided making stupid jokes about Harry Styles being in this.

Yup, nothing there I can argue with. I actually really like Sansa and always have - her dreaming of being a princess and loving pretty dresses and such was basically what I was like at her age back then so I always kind of identified with her in that respect. Whilst I agreed with her about the 'why would anyone not

Oh, maybe he doesn't. I haven't read the books in years so I figured I only remembered the name Robert Strong from the show.

Here's my deal with the Mountain: Why did Qyburn act like he was Robert Strong, new member of the Kingsguard with a vow of silence at the end of season 5 but it was completely dropped and from then on, everyone knows he's zombie Gregor Clegane? Why did the writers do that? Why bother?

I want Euron to take on the Quentyn Martell role. I want him to come along like Billy Big-Bollocks and be like 'My destiny!' and then have a dragon eat him all of a sudden and everyone to be like 'Yeah, you're not in our league, guy.'

Absolutely Jon has a lot to learn, but you say he should have told her like she had no choice but to openly argue with him in front of their troops. She absolutely had a choice to go up to him afterwards and say 'I wanted to disagree with you in there, but I know we need to be a team so I'm telling you now, I want to

At least hid behind one of the burning X's.

True, but it was obvious advice. Obviously you don't do what your enemy wants you to but she gave him no advice on what to do, just what not to. What was he supposed to do when Rickon is running for his life? Sansa was right that Rickon was dead already, but what kind of man would Jon be if he hadn't tried to save

Yeah, but that woman was not Sansa. Jon doesn't have to listen to every single woman just because one helped him out once. Jon isn't against the advice because Sansa was a woman, he's against the advice because it wasn't good advice.