Batman Lannister

Hmm, why no Daenerys in the pictures at the meeting??

I think despite Tyrion's protestations and insistence that making him bend the knee and fight is a better option, Bronn is getting beheaded next episode. He stabbed Dany's baby, she's not going to let that go if she knows and finds the man who did it. I think his death will also be what drives Tyrion to think that

Yeah, I figured by your last comment that something's been lost in translation because the initial conversation was very different to me being told to have a nice day. :/

The population of King's Landing often seem to cheer at stuff we as an audience find hard to watch (the riot where they tore apart the priest, Cersei's walk of shame) so I don't doubt they'd cheer at Tyrion's capture too. But it might not be that.

When I saw the comment, there were no spoiler tags and my problem is seeing spoilers.

To be fair, the oddsmaker had some pretty stupid choices up there last week (Jon, Dany, and Sansa?) and now this week, just shoved in a bunch of people that the commenters made good cases for being included. I don't think the guy even really watches the show, and is going by fan theories.

I don't think I know what's in his head, that was the whole point of my posts. I just said I don't want to read anything in a comment after leaks are mentioned, just in case. Some people are genuinely happy to discuss them and some people can't wait to spoil things for other people. I do it with every comment and I

True, I could see Cersei dying last episode of season 7 to clear the way for Daenerys to be on the throne for the last season and the White Walker invasion but I don't see her going before then.

Tom won't stop, he's really…petty.

If anyone was going to turn out to be a vampire, it's Salvador Dali.

Except for the whole 'blaming other people on him letting his kids down of his own volition because he's addicted to his job' part.

I was legit thinking you were talking about Louis Theroux for about thirty seconds and it was a pretty great half minute.

I don't know, we got our dog neutered and he still humps this one teddy every chance he gets.

Well, it looks like the Unsullied invade Casterly Rock, so it looks like Dany's fleet makes for Lannisport which is on the other side of Westeros, but Theon and Yara are looking at something awful and fiery happening in the trailer (another one of Dany's fleet burning? Again?), so they do get hit somehow, probably the

Sure, whatever. Fuck off now, please.

I don't want to know what was in the leaks, in case they're right. I don't want to know anything about them. Call me overly cautious but writing 'based on the leaks' or 'according to the spoilers' automatically means I won't read what follows them. Speculation on trailers and pictures? Fine. Speculating on leaks and

I think they would absolutely hate Iron Islanders, but I can't imagine the crowd cheering for a) a captured Greyjoy b) a captured Ellaria or Sand Snake (did the common people really love Myrcella that much?) c) Euron's engagement to Cersei has been announced and they're looking forward to having another crazy bastard

I haven't read any leaks. I don't want to know if I'm right. It's fun to speculate, but it's not fun when someone who knows what might happen tells you if you're right or wrong based on spoilers. Dude.

You could be right, he might not be dragging anything, but I'm trying to figure out why the crowd is cheering him too.

His other hand is holding the reins of his horse.