Batman Lannister

Yes, but Bran has always been the most selfish little prick in Westeros.

I think Lord Manderly was chastised by Lyanna Mormont during the King of the North scene last season, so it's safe to assume he's just a regular, non-cannibal dude in the show.

Right so, I just read the first part and stopped in case of spoilers but okay.

I think that was sort of the point. Us, and Arya, are so used to 'my Lord' and talking about thrones and sieges and all super noble and posh things but the majority of people in Westeros literally could not give a shit about any of it, they're just normal people. Like, nothing they said was out of place or time but it

I never understood them for that reason. 'Our whole way of life is going out onto the seas and raiding and pillaging, but also being super possessive about this piece of land that we always want to leave to go out on our ships but then no, because we're also super obsessed with this castle we have but also…'

Sam even said in that scene that Stannis told him that but he basically didn't listen at the time, despite having no reason not to believe Stannis. The writers clearly wrote that scene and then someone went 'Wait! Remember how we had Melisandre take off the necklace to be old last season and the next day, everyone was

I don't know, I kinda like playing 'Find the pop star in Game of Thrones'. They have a cameo every season by some musician or other, so I don't know why everyone's so up in arms about Sheeran being there. Gary Lightbody, drummer from Coldplay, Sigur Ros - I was more taken out of it when they had that rocky version of

True. I'm always iffy on Jaime, never know what he's going to do next or why he's going to do it. At the moment, I think he would cut down Brienne in two seconds if she threatened Cersei but one five minute scene with him could completely change my opinion. He's a great character.

I disagree - no one expects Tyrion to do it. Everyone is hedging their bets on Jaime, even people who don't know about the Little Brother prophecy. At this point, Tyrion being the one to kill Cersei would be a huge twist.

Can I sincerely ask why you would come onto the comments section of a Game of Thrones review just to write about how you think it sucked? Like, no constructive criticism so people can discuss it with you, no actual opinion on anything, just a snarky comment. Like, you must know people aren't going to take it seriously

I don't think Jon was telling Sansa she was an idiot 'just because', he was pointing out that she might not be as smart as she thinks she is which is completely true. Let's not forget that Sansa is alive because of other people working around her to make it so. Littlefinger, Brienne, Theon, Jon - all these people kept

Gendry has named his rowboat the Live-4-Ever.

That would actually be a great thing if it were true, because it means the books might be potentially finished or near enough and then we're just waiting on release dates. It wouldn't be half as bad to wait for them if we knew they were out there and finished. It's the thought that they might never come at all is a

I legitimately started trying to remember if the Mountain's new helmet looked especially pointy.

Jaime did tell the High Sparrow that if he ever saw Tyrion again, he'd kill him in revenge for murdering their father. I know he didn't seem too into murdering Tyrion last night but there was no reason other than the truth for Jaime to say that to HS, Cersei wasn't there and neither was anyone else who Jaime would

If she felt that strongly about it, surely it's something she wouldn't have needed him to bring up beforehand? Being a ruler means considering these things before they're placed in front of you; Jon knows that because he has experience in ruling, he knows he needs to figure out what to do with the castles and families

It was like her argument last season.

They looked very steam-punky, kinda took me out of the atmosphere a bit.

Everyone's going on about Sansa knowing how to play the game now but the scene of her openly arguing with Jon in front of their people shows she still has a bit to learn. They need to be seen as a strong unit in front of their troops and can bicker and argue behind the scenes. Trying to undermine Jon in front of all

True, but Qyburn announced her as Cersei Lannister when crowning her. I think her claim to the throne now is that she just murdered everyone who tried to stop her so no one else better try.