Batman Lannister

He was just so happy to be there.

I think the writers find John Bradley gagging to be hilarious and think the rest of us should too. It's not though.

Jamie East is still involved, he does all the narrative work and does his own section each episode. I know there was a female host as well but she's no longer there, really.

I agree. I enjoy quite a few movies that Depp has starred in and I don't think I need to no longer enjoy them because Depp is now really unlikable himself. I already own them anyway, Depp gains nothing today if I put on my Sleepy Hollow DVD.

Are you talking about Thronecast? They still do that, hosted by Sue Perkins and it's awesome.

No episode 9 this season, unfortunately.

I once googled my celebrity lookalike and the top result was a forum about them titled 'Ugly or just Different?' so no, never.

I don't know, Littlefinger does want to fuck his daughter figure.

Oh no, I'm never trusting you again. You're the one who gave us tickets to that play.

To be honest, I don't think Olenna even gives a shit what's done to her anymore, as long as she can drag as many of the bastards down with her as she can. I think she'd happily succumb to the most painful death that could be concocted if it ensured the end of House Lannister at the end of it.

I don't feel smart.

I could more see her sacrificing herself for him, and then he'd have no other choice but to start living his life again because it cost his sister her own for him to be able to do so.

I did read a theory that the joke was that he told the brothel keeper how his girlfriend found a genie and her first two wishes resulted in being sweet (honeycomb) and having the best ass in Westeros (the donkey), and the third wish was that her man's cock would go down to his knee. The brothel keeper remarked at how

They could do a complete shock and kill Theon and have Yara finish the Pyke story but it's unlikely. Theon's story of coming back from the brink is more important than Yara's quest to become Queen of an island that wanted to kill her a few episodes ago.

I would say for simplicity's sake, she does have to die. They need "big" deaths to clear the board without sacrificing end game characters and she's just big enough to be expendable with meaning.

I know, it was a joke in response to your glibness.


Sure, but the only other person who can confess her involvement in that crime is Littlefinger and he'd have to incriminate himself too so he's keeping schtum. And Olenna may have a brash attitude but not really any more than Tyrion did in season 2 and I'd say her entire family being obliterated into nothingness is

What are the odds on Tyrion finally finishing his joke about the honeycomb, the donkey, and the brothel keeper?

Valar Whatever.