Batman Lannister

Why does she need just desserts? Her biggest crime in the show was killing Joffrey and I don't think any of us want to see her suffer for that.

I'm not sure what more purpose she can serve other than building Theon back up, which always seemed more her purpose on the show than becoming Queen of the Iron Islands. She can't succeed at that and then the two tottle off back to Pyke, happy and free from Westeros' rule with her uncle dead. Euron has to make himself

It does look like she's gone back to Dragonstone from the trailers so she more than likely will meet up with Daenerys and her crew, and latch onto them.

I'm putting my money on Yara biting the dust if Euron's fleet attacks Dany's on the way to Westeros, which judging by the trailers is something that will happen.

I'm still holding out hope that the real Percival Graves is out there somewhere and will be awesome enough to combat the current ill will at Rowling and the filmmakers for taking away Farrell for Depp. I hope after the second or third movie is out, we'll all be like 'Ah, I get it now! That's much better!', but I doubt

I actually love mythology and Gods and all that stuff, it is one of my favourite hobbies to read and write about them. Now, I've never read Gaiman's book because I didn't really know of it until the show came about but it does sound like my cup of tea. I do love the thoughts of a tv show all about these Gods but I

The article called Ian McShane Odin but where I was in the fifth(?) episode, this is not ever once clarified so far in the show. I mean, it's obvious enough to people who know Odin's mythology that Mr. Wednesday is probably Odin but I don't get why all the characters speak in ways that skirt around revealing

I actually had to switch off American Gods in the middle of the season, it just made me feel so terrible and empty for some reason. Now, in all fairness, it was the middle of the episode after Laura Moon's history but still, I couldn't place what about it made me feel so off. I feel like maybe it was because I hadn't

It was a joke, pet.

Well, if the Starbucks and Hamilton boycotts were any indication, Pirates of the Caribbean 5 is about to make about a billion dollars.

He's in the Night's Watch, obviously.

It's probably going to be Scarlet Witch or Falcon or one of the other ones that aren't enough to carry their own movies.

Definitely agree. It is very strange that a show which works hard to make it clear that its heroes are people with faults and bad sides are so against having villains that are multi-dimensional.

This took me for-fucking-ever. I was thinking back to the books for any characters that haven't been in the show.

Even that. I don't know, I just kinda don't want a new villain at all. I was hoping Euron would be disposed with quickly enough, because we have enough characters to focus on at this point without needing anymore. Don't we have enough with Cersei, Littlefinger, all those White Walkers, kinda Jaime, the Mountain?

Euron is a man?

Damnit, I don't want worse than Ramsay or Joffrey, I want different than Ramsay and Joffrey! We've already had two perverted, sadistic monsters that made you cringe when they were onscreeen, can we please have something different from the new 'male villain who is a relative of a previously seen character' this time?

Yeah, Johnny Depp's been nominated for 3 Oscars but I'd still argue he doesn't deserve to be the highest paid actor. If that is the reason then cool, but I think it's not great. Nobody in Hollywood cares what I think though.

Meryl Streep though. I know she goes for more fare that would probably have less of a budget than Lawrence does with the franchises but still like, Meryl.

Joy was a failure too, wasn't it? And Serena. It seems like Lawrence has most of her successes in franchises, which might be why she's alright with not parting from them like other actors might try to.