We don't have to agree on what we think went wrong in places, just acknowledge that disagreement doesn't turn us into enemies. It's a lesson far too many learned far too late, unfortunately.
We don't have to agree on what we think went wrong in places, just acknowledge that disagreement doesn't turn us into enemies. It's a lesson far too many learned far too late, unfortunately.
I don't think she completely lost because she was a woman but I am certain that if the roles had been reversed, a male career politician and a female reality television host and bigot, this wouldn't have gone past summer of 2015. Not everyone voted against Hillary because she was a woman but a lot of people did.
I've always assumed that Dumbledore realised he was gay through his feelings for Grindelwald. If we're watching him realise, he won't be openly gay to start out with. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for gay wizard kisses.
I'm just devastated for her. She committed her entire life to a system which slapped her in the face because of what was between her legs and where her emails were.
A black woman taking the presidency from Trump in four years would be the best thing I could ever hope for. I doubt she'll ever run. I know it won't happen but I feel so unbelievably bad for Hillary that I kinda want her to run again. At this point though, Hillary deserves better.
Stephen King left Twitter too. I know people might not like how heavy-handed JK Rowling is when it comes to politics but I do have to applaud how she wades through the shit and calls out trolls on being the fucking monsters they are.
Was too young to take notice of the VP of a country I don't live in. Only really started paying attention to American politics during Obama's first campaign and even then, didn't understand a whole much except change was happening and it was good.
Something tells me that man never worries about looking like a jerk. And if anyone thinks he is, they're wrong and gay.
I really feel like celebrities hindered Clinton's campaign more than helped. A lot of them acted like voters needed to vote for her because they were doing so. I mean, I like Katy Perry and Beyonce's music but my God, get out of my face with this election every once in a while. I'm not even American so I probably…
Things like this happen every election. People swear they'll leave and they don't, people claim they'll fight for the nominee that lost and they don't, and people think that something like Calexit sounds great when they're feeling desolate but know nothng will come of it. It happens with Republicans and Democrats.…
The thing is, does Trump have to be extra careful now because he is the President? No more twitter rantings, no more shaming women, no more affairs and bragging and open discrimination, because he'll have a team of handlers who will be there to stop him at every turn, and because Presidental scandals are so much worse…
That's terrifying. Pence scares me a lot more than Trump because Trump is interested in himself, Pence is interested in really harmful ideals that Trump would probably get bored with pretty quickly.
Except now people can openly use the excuse 'He did it and he became President so clearly it's not that bad' for their shitty actions. Assholes have been told today that it's okay to be openly awful because "most people" with agree with you.
The only thing I'm taking solace in with regards to Pence is Veep seeming pretty accurate when it showed how fucking useless the VP is and how they have no power.
Something tells me Rowling isn't very happy about this anymore. Usually she breaks news like this on her twitter but this news hasn't got a peep.
I'm not a native of speaker of either and one sounds accurate and one doesn't is what I'm saying though.
The difference to me is Americans doing Cockney sounds nothing like actual Cockney to me (I'm not English either so that's not me having a better ear for it or anything).
I can't speak for other non-Americans, but his accent sounds exactly like how Americans sound to me. Always very harsh on the R's and vowels are really dragged out. I don't hear it a lot on TV or in movies but most Americans I've met in real life have the accent Cumberbatch is doing.
The Greeks on the other hand? Coming over here, stealing our jobs and our women. They invented gayness.
Yeah, but Marvel aren't going to put that as a disclaimer under every scene TAO features in.