
Just an FYI, racist Yahoo commenters are the people who can’t figure out how to comment on YouTube.

Hashtag LifeMistakes.

I am both impressed and dismayed that you waded into the yahoo comment pool.

But my experience in this world has been that the people who believe themselves to be white are obsessed with the politics of personal exoneration. And the word racist, to them, conjures, if not a tobacco-spitting oaf, then something just as fantastic— an orc, troll, or gorgon. “I’m not a racist,” an entertainer once

This country is fucked. I posted a comment critical of Wilson on Yahoo’s mention of this and in less than two minutes, I was downvoted so hard that they cloaked my comment for poor reviews. 2,000+ comments on that article and most of them are racist as fuck.

Thanks for the recommendations. I was just in Europe where sunscreen is so expensive you would think that the active ingredient was platinum, so I asked my SO to pack sunscreen when he met up with me. He bought some giant, baby-formula sunscreen that was supposed to be good for swimming and sweating, but the second I

Eagles fan. Should’ve Known.

I pictured this exact thing. Some guy in an Eagles jersey kicking the robot for no reason.

As a ginger who burns if I glance at the sun (last week I literally found myself applying sunscreen as the sun rose) I didn’t even realize that duplicitous sunscreen was a nightmare of mine. Then I read this article and got chills.

any dish of “wings” is usually a 50/50 mix of wings and drumsticks

It seems that this lack 0f self-awareness is contagious around the NFL...

I’m not so sure he will be a lame duck in the sense that he’ll be at risk of losing re-election.

That these asshats would hold our government hostage for their own simplistically petty agenda speaks volumes about the people who voted for them.

Not to mention that modern dogs and cats evolved with domestication in mind. Dogs especially, and if you end that domestication partnership they might not survive on their own because that's how their genetics have been shaped over the last 11,000 years, which is to co-exist with us.

As a meat-eater, I’ll say that it IS a privilege to be able to not eat meat. There are a lot of people who don’t have the wide variety of options we do in first world countries, so OP was exactly correct in the original statement. You chose to take it snotty.

Wait, none of these next week?!?

Not everyone likes being covered in sparkles upon exiting the tub.

Ipsy is my least favorite as a general rule, although it does have the occasional amazing month. If you need little makeup bags, though, ipsy is the way to go! Have you considered some of the vegan and/or natural boxes like Petit Vour, Kloverbox, and Vegan Cuts, or a Korean box like Beauteque? Those will be in my next