
This whole conversation is going to break down into 3 distinct groups just as the Mike Richards border incident conversation did. One group will be fans of the player’s team who will attack the accuser and sink to great depths. Another group will be fans of opposing teams who will attack the accused and do so only for

This is exactly why many women dont report it.

Yeah, what was she expecting? To have her physical boundaries and legal rights respected by a grown man? What a dumb slut! I bet she made it all up and then went to the hospital for a physically invasive examination and hours of questioning just to continue the charade. She probably figured it’d be totally worth it to

I like jokes from 2007.

Jesus Christ, there’s nothing worse than hearing about someone’s fantasy team.

Most men are cool about stuff like that. Some aren’t. We call those guys “rapists.”

The NBA has been selling season tickets for a non-existent LA team for a few years now.

I thought you might just be pressing buttons, but I looked at your comment history and you seem legit, so I’ll reply . . .

“I always wonder however, why someone would meet an athlete at a bar and go back to their house. The intent of inviting someone to your house from a bar is usally to have sex with them is it not?”

Holy shit, man.

She might have been up for something on the way there then changed her mind, and he decided to not take no for an answer.

Has the Cup ever spent the night in jail?

Well, you can hope all you want. And you may end up with Kane not being charged HOWEVER false accusations are basically non-existant. And rape kits are time consuming, invasive and can be painful. A woman would not subject herself to that if she hadn’t been raped. She also wouldn’t subject herself to people who are

Wait a I not allowed to hope that a serious allegation about a player that I am a fan of is false? Please tell me where I went wrong, oh great white knight of deadspin!!

Lettuce = hockey hair. Only Canadians are really really really northern Americans know this.

He was saying that because he couldn’t wear his hat, Pat Kane apparently saw his glorious locks.

I view it as progress that the only thing I’m unsure of here is what the hell “peeped the lettuce” means.

What is peeped the lettuce?

Christian electronica act Owl City