
Holding onto the last year of my 20s for dear life. Lawyer. Came for the science articles, stayed for the fantasy/sci fi book recommendations.

Incompetent or apathetic? /whynotboth.gif

Just got done reading the piece in full and sharing. Absolutely reprehensible.

ETA: The biggest frustration is that it was presented to the Orleans Parish DA, who declined to prosecute at the time.

I was sitting in a bar a few weeks ago when a lady asked whether Worcestershire sauce was included in an old fashioned.

::shudders:: Probably long enough where it is not possibly an “oops.”

This needs to be out of the greys, stat.

ETA: My reaction to your husband's reaction. Not to your period. Carry on.

Any way you could list those supplements? You know, so I know which ones to avoid . . .

True story: I have a friend who used to talk dietary supplements before going out because they’d get her jacked up.

Those writing for Gawker's Saturday featured posts should read this as a primer.

Wooooow, what a sweetheart! Has she squeezed herself into a cat condo in that picture?!

Hmm, I think I'd struggle the most with the 300-meter run. The metric system. It gets me every time.

Anytime. Just throw up the signal, and I'll be there.

I think you've had enough Internet for the day. Shut 'er down. Go get some air.

Hilarious article overall, but the gas station passage is making me want to tear my hair out.

You pointed out in your original comment that you were unsure as to whether it was the case or not. I was trying to be helpful. Apparently my original reply was not taken well.

No, although I appreciate you emphasizing "actual police officer." I'm not an actual police officer, but I am an actual lawyer. It seems like you're trying to make a "hot pursuit" argument by throwing out that the sirens are not on. Obviously, if the police officer is not planning on pulling someone over, the

That was probably a terrible day (sorry), but the mental image made me laugh.

Also, while I'm thinking about it, I might as well point out that Jay-Z also gives terrible legal advice. A locked glove compartment is not going to prevent a warrantless search if police have probable cause to believe evidence of a crime is in there, e.g., you get pulled over for the aforementioned tag violation and

You know, I'm not sure. I think it stems from misconceptions like DabFan's explanation that police aren't going to follow onto private property, which is probably related to a misinterpretation of the protections of the Fourth Amendment. It's also a really comforting idea that there's a place of refuge that we can