
You can get pulled over at a gas station. You can also get ticketed in your own driveway. This is not a real rule.

You can be pulled over while at a gas station. You can also be cited in your own driveway.

You can be pulled over while at a gas station. You can also be cited in your own driveway.

Holy shit. Were you able to successfully fight the ticket?

I drive with my dog in the car a lot, and having her perceived a a "threat" is a pretty big worry if I'm pulled over, tbh. It is totally irrelevant that she is a cocker spaniel, blind, and sleeping 75% of the time.

Love the name.

Oh, god, the landlord who is for once reluctant to invade his tenants' personal space and stands up for their rights? I love that guy.

Ha! Exactly the point I just made without checking the rest of the thread first. I like your version better.

That makes a lot of sense. I hadn't thought about it that way. I wish instead of using detectives as stand-ins, problematic because of their positions of power and presumed knowledge on the show, they had other dolts to fling those lines onto.

The last few weeks have shown the L&O: SVU detectives acting as real boneheads. Last week, maybe the week before, had an episode in which one of the detectives (!) had to be convinced that rape could happen to a man.

Also, based on some of the recent reports from the real world, I am not convinced that your hope

I had a nightmare two nights ago that my boyfriend got adult braces without giving me a heads up first. It was traumatizing.

Took me a second.

Canada Man and America Man are the better-groomed, slightly more eloquent cousins of Florida Man.

How did the folk art carved wood walking stick not make the list?

Got a typo in that headline of yours. Cool article. (Get it? GET IT?)

I felt the opposite about this one. Loved the first season or so, and then it went completely off the rails.

Underwhelmed. The face is off—what's going on with her eyebrows?—and it seems like they increased her bust size unnecessarily. Hard pass.

I like where your head's at.

Sorry that you're going through this. Not sure how vindictive you are, but this is a great opportunity to prank him, and burn that fucking bridge to the ground.

Jumping in to second. Is there anywhere else that fans can go to voice their displeasure with the USMNT participating in the 2022 World Cup?
