
Poopeye? Oh, i get it! Like "Popeye" but different!

So . . . I assume there's a challenge? Or, something? I didn't get a good feel for what the game's goal is. World domination, I guess? Getting to space?

I'm thinking more the KTMA years. The local Minnesota years. Those were painful. They held promise, of course.

The early eps weren't scripted. You know what else they weren't? Nigh watchable.

Did you hang up?

My finest hour.

Sometimes, Malvert pee red.

"Agent Reed, we'll need you to go undercover as a . . . Kindergarten Teacher!"
"Alright. That should be fine. I raised three children and am a relatively competent adult. I understand I have no formal education training, but I'm a quick learner and good with kids."

There better be some words that sound like other words in there!

I believe you meant "Ed and Lorraine Warren’s "real" "life" "investigation" of a pair of "possessed" sisters."

If he hates the rap so much, why'd he let his band do that song with RUN-DMC in the 80s? Why?!

A pickup truck and the devil's eyes?

Agreed. The Shelley Long one was a top notch production for, you know, a cheap-o tv movie.

Yeah, Sinbad was a really strong presence on this show. I wish his career trajectory had allowed him to play more of this type of roll, because he really flourished as the dorky/funny mentor type.

I was thinking that's some terrible puppeteering. The top half of the head should not move up and down that much and the palm of the hand needs to pop more on each syllable. Grr.

Nope. Couldn't make it through the Glen Campbell video. Nope. NOPE. Made it 50 seconds. Now I'm a mess. NOPE.

That's how I learned about ants and how to make friends with ants.

"YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO DO IT, HUH? THAT WAS HIS WAY OF ASKING?! *uncomfortable giggling*"