
@Raven Riley: I'm not saying you can't build impressive/nerdy things with php. I'm saying I'm not impressed with a porn site created with php. I say you can only claim web nerd status if you're doing things on the bleeding edge, html5/websockets/node.js... etc.

@britishcoder: I beleive your argument is flawed. You assume that some one who is nerdy always rolls their own solution from scratch from the lowest common denominator.

Aparently she couldn't handle the load of all these nerds...

@D0ppelganger: Maybe she needs to learn about the other kind of "load balancing," OOOOOHHHHH SNAP.

@Blueline99: haters gonna hate. I do this stuff for a living, color me 100% unimpressed by her obvious outreach to increase sales in the nerd/web developer crowd.

@cybershrike: It's not about the language, it's just that php/js/html/css isn't that impressive/nerdy. That's the lowest tech website you can get these days without being straight up html.

@BeerManMike: I agree, I do this stuff for a living. I call myself a proffessional, she's a professional at... uhmm... yes.

A monkey could run a website on php/js/html/css. I'd be impressed if she launched a ruby on rails app using load balancing servers, amazon CDN and websockets. All I'm saying is by todays standards php/js/html/css is old hat nerdy wise.

@seanklowe: I 100% agree, I like my iphone but I've only used it lately in this fashion.

@khalse: brokeback thunder mountain?

"We are also making bars 1, 2 and 3 a bit taller so they will be easier to see." Deception is always awesome, the bars are bigger so that means the signal is actually stronger at 1 bar!

Hah, with these stains... I'd realize the moment I walked in when I had a new keyboard was hooked up to my compu-... I mean... THIS IS SCARY! OMG

@YellowRex: From a user perspective there's a big difference between streaming and progressive download. Progressive download you can't seek past what has been buffered already. Most youtube users would HATE to lose that experience.

@FriedPeeps: My point is that HTML5 will have it's place but it won't/can't be used for everything right now. You won't see hulu html5 or anything that needs DRM because there's no DRM in HTML5.

@antpwny: YES, some one else that gets it! I was about to lose my shit with all this flash hate in this thread. Can we hang out and be friends? Cause I think you're the only other person on gizmodo that thinks killing flash would be bad nigh impossible in the current ecosystem.

@HK-47: Blame HTML5 video tag running in your shitty browser, because of it's shitty dom element memory problems. All I'm saying is that if google can't get it right, how can joe smoe get it right in his basement?

@batman3ds: to be more specific, making things more complicated and even more fragmented will just increase development time and stagnate innovation online. The more time and resources it takes to build a rich media website means less no budget garage sensations like Chat-roulette, and more big business backed

Did anyone actually read the f'n article? Seriously, the article was about the lack of key features lacking in HTML5 and not about google trying to take over the world with WebM and be the new online overlords.

@laughingdog: I disagree somewhat. I only play co-op with people I already know and have some bond and working relationship with. I feel like these sort of catastrophic failures in communication make co-op much more entertaining with a person you are trying to succeed with.