@RenRen: mmmmmmm cheesy potatoes.
@RenRen: mmmmmmm cheesy potatoes.
@Chromeo's name has nothing to do with the band Chromeo: Damn you Terracotta DROID!! I'm getting sick of your growing plants and breaking every time I drop you 6 inches!
This story starts one place and ends on a completely different note.
Don't mind us common folk.
@reuthermonkey: yeah I wasn't pointing fingers at either os or what gets more coverage. Mostly how disheartening it was that this was such a blatant misrepresentation of what was actually going on in the android market/phone security that its a shame the redacted parts won't reach the readers themselves. If it was…
Giz, I think this is an example of where your stellar journalism and updating could help clear the air after an article like this takes a big swing in the other direction. Unless you read the site like me and keep up with articles after the first time you read them you might not get the updated report that doesn't…
@Jyosua: He uses facebook connect, don't bother him he's planting crops in farmville while he's posting angry things about "geeks" and mmos.
@Stevox: well put sir... well put.
@iDestroySteveJobsWithChocolate: 1000 internets to the man who does this!
I actually recently got back into google wave to plan a party with a friend of mine. I got an early beta invite and they seem to have fixed all the major speed issues and qualms I had with it in the early beta.
@c_bird89: I agree with this 100% I build websites for a living and I've recently had to start making flash games for clients. There's almost more levels of polish you can give an application but you always have to build something to a budget... small studies don't have the luxury of delaying deadlines and being…
@kagekiri: I would think a monster respawn would be handled gracefully like some fade in from the background or an animation.
@docTorbin: been there many times myself, such is the pitfalls of web development.
@docTorbin: It's hard to say where the blame comes down, if it was a middle management error or a development oversight. It looks bad for the company as a whole... that's the problem with a website, its the face of your company online and if it fumbles and fails it looks bad for the WHOLE company including developers.
@ehed: OH totally, I was just playing dumb, I know that number is probably about 150 times that. I was just making fun of ATT's development staff failing so hard it's not even funny.
600,000 hits in a day... how could any web development team ever build a website for a major corporation to handle that! I'm not surprised it went down, no website can handle that kind of traffic!
Do a barrel roll?
@Incoherent: Agreed, I am quite a large man and really I feel like I'm holding a toy using my iPhone 3G. I'd much prefer this trend in much larger cellphones, something that feels substantial and I can fully encompass in my giant banana hands.
@Jon: Forget Most infuriating soccer game ever. It'd take 12 hours to score one goal and sadly... I'd love every minute of it.
@jayhawk11 is back in school: all that extra material would have absorbed shock and probably made the phone fall a bit differently depending on where the weight is.