
About Duhamel, I don’t know him but I do know several men who started two, three or even four families by the time they were in their fifties. Starting a family is great but if you’re not likely to be around until the kids are grown the only thing you’re doing is getting visitation rights over many children. Wouldn’t

Dorit’s taste level is wrong. I would hope that if I ever had that much money, I would still have people around to tell me when I look absolutely ridiculous. 

Lookin like this at 33 is what he gets for being a racist piece of shit : )

While the US maternal mortality rate doubled, California’s was halved. Every hospital in the country can copy our states protcols to make childbirth safer.

It makes me sad to think of someone like Union feeling shame or humiliation for having a reluctant reproductive tract. As someone who also had a reproductive system that was, shall we say, uncooperative, it would be a great step forward to remove the stigma of talking openly about these things.

I try not to count the number of friends and relatives that stopped calling/contacting us after it turned out both my wife and I were unable (or at least strongly unlikely) to have kids. It shocked me, to be honest. My wife almost died from an ectopic pregnancy, yet I’m still seen as not a ‘real’ adult in parts of my

“deliberately poisoned candy”

And here I thought it was only KFC that drugged their food... (seriously, there’s no reason their gravy should be that good)

“But I respect Lohan ...”

This is going to be the first Christmas without her. Even when she was so frail in the last few years, she was the center of gravity of everything. I’m not looking forward to it.

The Queen doesn’t exactly have unlimited numbers of Christmases left in her. I missed Christmas with my grandma last year because of different family stuff and it turned out to be her last. I deeply regret that. At some point you just adjust your plans to make sure you’re going to see your elderly relatives because

Seriously. My husband is a senior engineer. One of his current underlings is a woman who really looks up to him, frequently requests his opinions and guidance and they are close. They eat lunch together all the time. He also mentors and trains other new hires - both men and women. The woman he’s closest too is moving

It’s weird how their primary strategy isn’t, “Maybe let’s just not be fucking creeps.”

I had a school board psychologist try and tell me this after my 7th grade aptitude/IQ testing (my mother was a teacher in the school and told him to drop dead). I spoke three languages and was a straight A student, but I didn’t fit his profile for gifted so according to him I was destined for secretarial college (his

Now playing

My middle school guidance counselor said I’d never finish high school because I didn't have great grades. Not only did I finish high school AND college, but I have a graduate degree with work experience in all three branches of the federal government. I went ballistic when she and another teacher who bullied me tried

Frosty, the snowman

It is actually moving really quickly. Here is an info graph i found.

I met him and I would say he’s 5’6” max. 

Could do without the snark re: Amanda Bynes. If you read the whole article, she talks about her more general issues with body dysphoria. I have nothing but sympathy and compassion for a woman who grewup on screen while women’s weights and appearances are being constantly picked over and scrutinised. It sounds

“Brown River”