
Fuck, yesterday was an epically shitty day.

Now playing

Yeah I’m just gonna listen to “New Rules” by Dua Lipa rn k bye.

Exactly. The next person who mentions the “liberal media” can get a nasty paper cut. 

You can tell how scared the establishment is of AOC by how hard they’re working to tear her down. 

I think what bugs me the most about people who don’t get the flu shot is less the people who believe that vaccine cause autism, and more the people who are like “Well, I haven’t had the flu in 10 years, so I don’t need one!” It’s such a stupid, selfish opinion that because YOU’RE ok, you don’t need to do this thing

I have an ex friend who told me even if her husband beat her up she wouldn’t leave him because of their daughter. 

I have always generally wondered about people who stay together ‘for the kids’. For why??????

Just got the kid his flu shot last Friday

Upstate NY is a lot like the worst parts of the South in its bigotry, much more so than downstate Illinois where I live.

Fuck her shitty ass parents. Bill for family vacation... I hope she never pays and it fucks up your credit forever, you trifling, nasty assholes. I hope Discover calls you nightly. I hope this article gets you hate mail.

So my wife and I text animal noises to each other all the time - most frequently “meow” or some variation. Multiple animal noises usually signal we are especially excited about something.

I work primarily on climate change projects and the number of people that ask me about chemtrails with a straight face is too damn high.

I feel smarter for reading this. And dumber because I’m the same species as these people who believe in DEWs and Chemtrails. Seriously you don’t think we would see an airplane shooting lasers above the forest of paradise in California....

I read that the NRA was cutting salaries, bonuses, and corporate perks for their employees. I hope a sign that there are huge cracks starting to form in their foundation. They are the worst.

Hey NRA, take a seat. Maybe several. We know what we voted for and we want gun control.

And just a few years later, Brolin pulls off a masterful Thanos without a smear of physical makeup. That’s got to be the most annoying part.

You know what doesn’t help anything?  Saying that a man who died by suicide died “of a broken heart.”  That’s just irresponsible.

In fact, Mississippi was the original architect of voter suppression. In 1890, the white state legislature passed the Mississippi Plan, a set of restrictions designed to stifle the black vote by implementing a poll tax, literacy tests, and other measures, which was billed as a way to maintain integrity at the voting

Even in my blackest moments I haven’t ever genuinely wished that Republican voters were stopped from voting.

I’m a black attorney and when I used to go to court regularly, everyone assumed I was one of the defendants. I would be in a suit and have my files with me but would still get told I would be called up to the bench when it was time for the judge to hear my plea.