
Born in Jersey.

I live in NJ.  If someone from NJ is asking for money, it’s a scam.  That is all.

Serious question: who uses Facebook as a news source? I’m only using it as a way to keep in touch with old friends who aren’t local, some interest groups (vinyl fans, Comics, Howard Stern, etc) I only read verified pages like The NY Times, WaPo, New Yorker and such.  How is the RussianBot fake news being disseminated?

Can you imagine 25 years of marriage, to one person, even Barack Obama? Or 25 years of anything?”

I think I am aging out of Jezebel. What a childish thing to write.

“Can you imagine 25 years of marriage, to one person, even Barack Obama? Or 25 years of anything?”

Oh, children. You don’t imagine the time. You imagine the things you’d like to do with your time. And then you try to do them.
(Just celebrated 26 years of marriage with Mr. UrbanAchiever and no, we didn’t imagine it. We

Can you imagine 25 years of marriage, to one person, even Barack Obama?

I know we all get older, but Vanessa Marcil is 50? I remember when she first was on GH when I still watched. It makes me feel ancient.

Marcil definitely should have handled this different. But, as a former 16 year-old who had a *grossly* absentee father, I can attest that I (at that time) felt much more comfortable conveying my sense of anger and betrayal through my mother. I didn’t have the skill sets to articulate how badly my feelings were hurt by

So Jeff Flake’s most successful check on Trump was retiring...

People are often quick to call out Democrats that are “centrists” but she probably would not have had a chance in hell if she was any more left-leaning.

Emergency treatment for my dog’s hemorrhagic gastroenteritis: $3500

For sheer price, the family home.

Spinal surgery for my dog. 100,000% worth it.

Do non-tangible things count? I spent $2000 or so on the kayak trip of my dreams in Gwaii Hanaas National Park. I’d had a miscarriage, so I decided to take a 10 day remote trip that I definitely couldn’t have done if I’d become a parent. It was pretty awesome and I was a much better paddler by the end of it. Plus it

Seems like a lot of people are confusing merely expensive with extravagant. Extravagance implies indulgent and probably unnecessary (or at least more than necessary).

Tickets to see the original Hamilton cast with my best friend. We were in the last row of the theatre. 600 bucks. I regret nothing.

ok I have two.

I went on vacation to the Galapagos Islands with my friend three years ago, and then went to Provence and Marseilles with my best friend in the same year. It was my 40th year, so I just said “fuck it,” I’m gonna enjoy myself. Neither trip was really that expensive, but two of those bad boys in one year is not my usual

My most extravagant purchases have probably all been meals: prix fixe meals at fancy restaurants that I couldn’t afford, but put on the credit card nonetheless. Typically we’re talking $400-$500 for dinner for two. I’ve probably done it three or four times.

This $200k private college education? I mean, it’s on loan but technically I’ll be paying for it over the next 176 years.