
Kelly, you’re a monster. 

Roughly 1/3 of Dear Prudie letters can be summarized as follows “Dear Prudie, my parents were horrible to me while I was growing up. I had kids, and they continue to be horrible to me, but now it’s in front of my kids. How do I tell them to quit being horrible people and quit saying shitty things?” Answer: you can’t

I never would have cut off contact with my mom if I hadn’t had babies. I reached a point where I said to my sister, “I don’t care about the current drama with her, because I am not a daughter anymore. I’m a mother.”

My baby solidified my already hard stance on my in-laws, who are trolls.

I know, right. Like we don’t all know that the Markles would immediately sell any and all pictures/videos/greeting cards with the baby’s face to the Daily Fail.

I didn’t give much thought to my sister’s mental health issues aside from avoiding her. But then I had a kid, and I couldn’t stand risking his safety.

It is in the best interests of the baby for my dad to be included

Babies don’t soften everyone. They make you realise how much less you can/want to tolerate other people’s awful behaviour. 

Can I just take this opportunity to say that I hated Kanye before it was cool?

Know what actually makes you go into labor? Manual labor. I spend an hour on my hands and knees chipping old kitchen tiles off my floor, baby born less than 24 hours later.  Any good doula will tell you the same. Labor not progressing fast enough? Go clean your kitchen floor on your hands and knees. 

I just want to note that I absolutely LOVE the fact that everyone here are using “her” to refer to the Doctor.

Can Uber identify immediately who the driver was on their ride? That seems like it should be a big deterrent to rape - police would know very quickly who the perpetrator was.

Yep. The other night I had to take quite a long uber ride from my job to house late at night. Luckily the guy was super nice but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a backup plan and made sure my phone was charged. 

The Oatmeal used to have a calculator for this very question about how many 6 year olds could you take in a fight. He later changed it to Justin Biebers for obvious reasons.

This terrifies me. I don’t usually think about the fact that when I use Uber or Lyft, I’m getting into a car with a complete stranger, almost always a man, almost always at night. I just want to be able to go about my business safely as a woman in the world and not have to weigh the risks of mundane activities like

A lot of times when I see a person who’s much shorter than me, I think, “I wonder how many of that person I could take on in a fight and hold my own.” This is usually something I think about at my 6-year old’s soccer games.

Hi Frida,

Ok, I’ve been a reader of this thread for a few years now, every year I both love and loathe this thread because my morbid curiosity and inability to stop reading inevitably leaves me scared shitless for several days, and then I start the cycle all over again. This year, I want to submit my own.

I’m a liberal-leaning person writing for a newspaper in small-town, gun-slinging, highly conservative Missouri. My editor and I have a constant, background worry about printing something that makes someone mad enough they waltz into our basically security-free office and mow us all down. Our building is over 100 years

My story is more curious & unsettling than it is truly frightening.