
I hate that expression soooooooooooooooooooooo much.

If “they” are pregnant (let this phrase diiiiie), that’s going to be one very bland child.

This is exciting! I hope insurance will cover it, I was upset I couldn’t get the vaccine back in 2006. Right age bracket, wrong level of sexual activity. 

Yeah, the vitriol toward Middleton personally seems misplaced. Kate Middleton has very little freedom here. She doesn’t get to refuse to publicly perform pregnancy and motherhood. Of course Kate Middleton doesn’t present a realistic image; being a perfect princess is like her entire goddamned job. 

Maybe it’s my comprehension but I don’t think she’s criticising Kate Middleton. I think she’s criticising The Man for creating a situation where Kate Middleton has to have her photo taken looking perfect mere hours after experiencing (presumably) what Kiera Knightley has gone through.

Oh, so a bird gets drunk and flies into stuff and it’s ok, but I get drunk and think I can fly and all of a sudden it’s “a safety issue” and “sir, please don’t make us tase you” and “the doctor will be over shortly to talk with you, but we can’t let you go in your current condition.”

I don’t mind that kind of food, but not $79 for it— and not without fucking SALT. Jesus wept.


Jezebel, please don’t participate in the paparazzi STALKING OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Please remove this post and respect Cardi’s privacy. Also, you misspelled her name in the article.

This is creepy. Can we not promote aggressive long-range paparazzi photos of infants and respect families’ wishes to allow their children private lives until they consent to being public figures?

Edit: and if anyone tries the old “they’re celebrities, they signed up for this” excuse you’ll be dismissed into the pits

You should take the job and be our mole! Think of it as being a double agent, lying in wait until the perfect moment when ZAP! You bring the whole fucking thing down.

It’s not the right way to put it, but I’m glad to hear her say this. I had a real issue with the tidiness of The Theory of Everything when I saw it in theaters. Real life is messy, and I knew going in that Stephen Hawking’s personaly life was particularly messy. The movie turned almost all of that struggle and strife

A couple months ago, after seeing my abusive ex at a show we were at, I told my husband about his raping me almost 20 years ago. It was the first— and only— time I had said the words outloud. I have been with my husband for over 15 years. Hell, it took me over a decade to even admit to myself that what happened with

That you care about them and want them to live?

When I mentioned to a friend that both my kids were getting the HPV shots, she actually asked me “But what kind of a message is that sending them?”.  For real.

Vaccines are so great. 

Australia’s national health care system first introduced the vaccination program in 2007 as a cost-free


I tried to like this show because I used to watch the original ... but, 1) laugh tracks have not aged well. I can’t stand them. 2) it seems a little too.. pointed and obvious. But, maybe I just wasn’t in the right frame of mind last night. 

It felt like a comfortable pair of slippers I’d forgotten I had. I wasn’t really in support of the reboot -- I do like a new idea now and then -- but I watched it, and it felt good. I intend to continue watching it.