
I’m currently halfway across the world, have been ill and swamped with work, but I could not stop reading the updates on this case, and feeling my blood boil, with every new statement, new update, I feel the anger in me building and building. I’m sorry to any woman (or man), who has to live with the consequences if

Fuck America. It’s not worth saving.

After my rapist tried to kill me at a school function six months after he raped me, I had him expelled (only by getting a restraining order, as the school wasn’t going to expel him themselves). I saw him once after, a couple years later, when he came into the store where I worked. He saw me and turned right back

‘I’m a very famous person, unfortunately.’

I absolutely fucking hate him. I don’t know what else to say at this point.

My wife and I have cycled through several of the meal delivery kits. Our two favorites are Gobble and Terra’s Kitchen, with Gobble being the winner for us solely based on our preference for their meals.

My wife and I have cycled through several of the meal delivery kits. Our two favorites are Gobble and Terra’s

If he got that done professionally, that person should never touch hair again.

That’s 1970s-Sun-In-from-Woolworth’s-accident blond.

This is literally why I’m in therapy. My brain keeps telling me I have to be the best employee, best wife, best mom, best friend, best child all while being physically fit and well-dressed and maintaining the best house.  It’s not rational and it’s not healthy, but my subconscious keeps whispering it in my ear at all

I would add that for women especially, this insecure overachieving extends far beyond work. We do the same thing with relationships and with raising children. A lot of women do way too much emotional labor (and actual labor) for their significant others, out of fear of losing them. And when we have kids, we overwork

I stayed home today because I had food poisoning that had me up late last night vomiting and woke me for more quality time with the toilet this morning. I messaged my supervisor right away, but still had a panic attack that my colleagues will resent me and I will destroy position at work (especially since a week ago I

I still don't want him to run for President.

Here’s the thinghere’s the thing I really like about Avenatti: instead of softballing everything like the Democrats do – which never works, by the way - he plays the game exactly like the shitbag Republicansdo, and they absolutely cannot handle it.

As the parent of 7- and 9-year-old girls, I can confirm that stickers are not, in fact, good. They are the actual bane of my existence.

“Are you fucking kidding me”

Thank you, to everyone attending one of these events.

To paraphrase ruth, the supreme court will have enough women when there are nine.

The thing is as a teenager I was drunk at a lot of parties and yet a friend and I never held down a girl and covered her mouth to keep her from screaming. Strange...

“If that’s the new standard, no man will ever qualify for the Supreme Court again.”