
“Self-partnered” stinks of Trying Too Hard. I don’t see anything wrong with “single” as a descriptor. The question is always a variation of “Are you coupled?” so the answer will necessarily be couple-centric. Single is simple and accurate, and I haven’t seen a variation that isn’t twice as much effort to say the exact

I prefer ‘spinster’, myself.

Fitting, and absolutely true:

I got one of those too!

I already have a fat...

Equipment shock? Maybe if it’s in warranty or due to a manufacturing defect. Same for a shelf folding and dropping on someone’s head, for the same reasons. But durable goods are not nearly as vulnerable to adulteration as perishable ones. And by their very nature, perishable items can pose risks without any active effo

Did you get a law degree at Krusty's Clown College? 

He's going to have to decide why to shut down the government, this or impeachment. 

Don’t be a pedant. Reducing arguments to absurdity reflects on you, not the argument.

He’s asked for many billions more to continue building it next fiscal year, and is threatening another shutdown if he doesn’t get it.

My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!” Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, The lone and level sands stretch far away.

One person gets sick from a donut this kid tainted while transporting and thy’re out millions of dollars.

he built his campaign upon this wall, and wanted it to be emblematic of him and his power.

This is tort law 101.

Obviously the problem here is the liberal reciprocating saw blade manufactures. They never wanted Trump to Make America Great (tm), they must have made a deal with Soros and the Clintons to make Trump look bad.

Great. Now Karen has someone to yell at.

It seems like they do have legal standing to ask him to stop using their brand identity and their products in a manner they cannot ensure is keeping the product safe, and they have legal standing to not sell him product. They could probably ask the state to step in, as he’s selling without a permit.

As this is not a copyright question, First Sale Doctrine doesn’t apply at all, that only applies to the sale of copyrighted materials. 

I cant eat them. All I taste is sugar, an endless sea of sugar and a doughy, undercooked doughnut. If I’m going to blow calories on junk food, I’m going to a mom-n-pop place like Top Pot or Mighty-O Doughnuts. 

All that work just for terrible doughnuts.