I must be legit because my comment isnt pending. I’m confused
I must be legit because my comment isnt pending. I’m confused
How do I log in after logging out? I had to claim my account again as you can’t log in woth Discus and it gave me no burner key. There’s no option to link my Discus account even though I’ve got my avatar from Discus.
I can see why Sansa would be freaked out by Arya's bag of faces. She know nothing of the Faceless Men so to her it could just be a demented Arya running around her room with both hands on the side of her head trying to keep her face in place pretending to be someone else. The shadow of mental illness is the true…
That sounds truly heartbreaking. I really feel for you.
Goodnight Margret. Goodbye Margret.
How's Annie?
His dad probably did notice and then shook this fists at the sky in an impotent rage.
Fair enough. I still think when it all kicks off no-one will care.
Why hasn't Trump condemned the Alt-Wight after Hardhome?
Sometimes my arms bend back………… but I can get $20 an hour working from this couch.
I don't know. When Jon became commander didn't her release him? In all fairness I don't think anyone puts faith in the whole Night's Watch thing now. Jon was Lord Commander and now he's King in the North.
I got genuinely excited when I saw David Bowie in this. Even though I've watched that scene many times in FWWM it seems like something more since he died. Kinda like the Log Lady scenes this season which were truly heartbreaking every time.
I'm not falling for your Black Lodge Trickery!
This is a product of a disturbed mind. I like it!
Never eating a Doner Kebab again
I'm getting the feeling that Sam leaves the Citadel in time to get home to find he's inherited the Tarly goods. Then uses said goods to help Jon fight the Night King with Sam as QB using the Citadels White-Walker killing playbook.
Gendry: 'I knew her as 'Arry. She looked pretty good for a boy'
Jon: 'You What!?'
SWEAR TO ME!!!!!!! (cue smug grin and boner).