
This employee worked there for SIX YEARS, routinely covering night and weekend shifts, and couldn’t get 2 measly hours off?! This place sounds like a nightmare to work.

but that’s been Gawker/Jezebel’s MO??

Banging Nick Offerman:

Oh, don’t you feel stupid now. It’s her YA novel.

I’m with you. It hurts my brain when I see other white people complaining that black people are creating racial tensions in this country by pointing out racism.

Yes! I couldn't think of the name. Now that I think about it, it's kind of odd to know the consummation part of a children's book.

It was forceful but soft. The physics of it were very exciting for a bunch of nerds.

Rainn Wilson’s post reminds me of this Onion classic:

My dad used to go to seminars and leave when we’d go to Edmonton. I was 10 and would be wandering around exploring the hotel. How was I also not kidnapped?

When I was in high school, my friends and I would take an exercise ball, fill it half up or so with water, and then run around smashing eachother with it.

Hey, Chrissy, just be thankful it wasn’t a real alarm from a grease fire that made the entire hotel evacuate while you and your sister were under 12 and both still in pajamas while your dad was out getting tickets to go up the Washington Monument.

While it’s sort of funny to know that Young is dumb enough to bring several women into the home he shares with Azalea knowing full well there are security cameras set up on the property, I do feel for Iggy Iggs on this one.

LIAM! Liam. The other one is Liam.

No one Sodburger. Absolutely no one.

Who wants to WATCH A VIDEO just to SEE A PIC

Well her name is Ariel so red hair is a requirement.

Who wore it best?

A lot of women regret their first marriages. What then?

Even granting a woman feels regret over the termination of a pregnancy, it doesn’t necessarily follow that she made the wrong choice. She may, in some sense, be subject to bad constitutive moral luck or have been, so to speak, between a rock and a hard place, so that either bringing a fetus to term or aborting it will

Have you ever been on the other side of an antichoice protest or attended a rally/meeting over abortion rights? The antichoice side always has a lot of women who, themselves, had abortions and now regret them (usually after finding Jesus, but for a variety of other reasons too). They always show up to protests and