Tangent: When a guy talks about having “fitness dreams,” I picture a guy who drives around looking for fat women walking down the street so he can moo at them.
Tangent: When a guy talks about having “fitness dreams,” I picture a guy who drives around looking for fat women walking down the street so he can moo at them.
I once got a press release — it was 2009, after the economy tanked — about a particular brand of divorce legal package for men.
I’d have to crawl to the mic in those shoes.
I don’t feel any kind of way about MT, but this made me like her.
Azealia is the Queen of the Cheap Shot. The Empress of the Handy insult.
Tangent: Remember when Ann Coulter’s face melted because she insisted See’s didn’t have Xmas candies? And their Xmas Candy gift boxes were literally the first menu on See’s website?
Took the plunge. Have bought two pieces and just got a dress in. I need new clothes and shoes so badly, but I also want to get out of debt and keep some savings. This year, I’ve made progress on debt, but have $500 liquid cash. (Aaaaannd a recent hail storm ruined our roof. Aaaaannnd my wife’s 9yo car just crapped…
This reminds me of this:
YES! The ONLINE COMMENTS about the damages Erin Andrews was seeking for that made my head spin.
I’m not proud of it, but the sheer volume of this kind of abuse makes me assume that most men talk like this about women, even if they don’t Tweet it. It’s like, in my head, I know I’m wrong. My heart (and the fear centers of my brain) are like honey, you’re fat and over 40. Most guys would push you off a cliff if…
Soldier on, Julie. Thank you.
Lindy West did a painful piece for This American Life about meeting her online troll.
What? No, it’s more like loving to fly, becoming a pilot and having air traffic control patch through every customer’s thought about your worth, your sex appeal and whether you deserve to be sodomized with an andirion.
Not if you work in media. If you work in media, you are using social media as a condition of employment.
The volume of this kind of thing can be tiring. That’s how it affects your life.
I didn’t love Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. Fey was miscast. She kept doing these brilliant-if-it-were-on-30-Rock bits that took me out of the story. I really wanted to like it, too.
The only way to get rid of insects is to hire someone to burn down your house.
I feel like I liked Sisters because I’m pretty much Amy and Tina’s age.
Completely needless tangent: I have a friend who often cracks on me for being a Mike Myers fan when I’ve only seen 54 and Wayne’s World. “You haven’t seen enough movies to be a fan!” I’m like, what - seven seasons of Saturday Night Live aren’t enough for me to call myself a fan?”
Fair enough. (I saw it as her finally crawling out from her father’s dysfunctional shadow. But your criticism is legit.)