Batato Frito

Seriously. “Not even close?” Uh, it was pretty fucking awesome if you ask me.

I know that no matter whose byline Random Roles falls under, there’s always going to be omissions of beloved or important entries from an interviewee’s filmography, largely due to the realities of interview time allocation, and editing. But in this case, to not bring up or publish the one major top-billed role for

This article is pure Wikipedia journalism. For those here eager to judge it be wise to first read anything by Osho to see if it is true what miss Katie Rife, author of this article states ”it also the story the story of what happens when you create a religion with no moral center, as Bhagwan did when he cherry picked

Just finished the series. I agree that the directors gave waaay too much time to the Rajneeshee disciples. At first, the Rajneeshee interviews seem fascinating, but by the end, I couldn’t stand Niren’s yammering about how exclusive he was with Osho and how, boohoo, it was only after joining a cult that he finally got

Katie (and anybody else who is interested) I just want to say that even though the whole Osho-Oregon episode is horrible and monstrous, I do recommend that you check out Osho’s teachings. For me, they are some of the most mind-blowing and life affirming discourses available. Which has always made the whole story

I always thought the poisoning was to keep the locals from voting, and they didn’t mean to seriously injure/kill anyone.

He was a university professor for twenty years. He was actually brilliant, his writing on Buddhism and comparative religion/philosophy is very good and he knew his stuff. It is actually a common thing for people like that to have a crazy wisdom, he happened to go pretty nuts I would imagine given all that happened.

Tell Me about it. Every time I try recruiting new members, first question is always, “when do we start killing?”