Batato Frito

Are you sure YOU know the definition of “lecture”?

I’ll let you google it, but the latest CDC piece has emotional abuse of men at slightly higher rates than that of women - and given your concern with abuse, I’m sure you’re aware that the massive societal shame in reporting or discussing abuse among men probably skews that higher; that you’re essentially doing

My father flies into terrifying rage if I say anything at all. So I just have to take all of it (I’m tied to him for financial reasons due to medical issues.)

People who are trying to gaslight you rely on the back-and-forth.

There is nothing “obvious” one way or the other in this speciic case, but apart from that, I see your point. It’s distressing to the the AVClub rate so high a documentary that openly looks at only one side of a dirty, complex, emotional story, and it’s distressing to see the tweet-level crowd hurling itself at a

That or they'll discover Rush. 

Hmmm... I sort’a kind’a almost enjoyed it. but I got the impression if I watched too much of this stuff it would rot my brain to the point where I’d be in danger of becoming a Trump voter.

Except maybe House on Fire.

This is still part of the book, right?

‘Establishing character relationships using only assertions in dialog shall be punishable by directing neutraceutical commercials for ones entire career’ should be taught at film school and enforced across the industry.

I actually think Insomnia is his best film because it doesn’t try too hard to be great like, say, “Interstellar” does. A lot of Nolan films feel like he thinks high concept + long running time + lofty ideas = great movie. Insomnia just wants to tell a story and it succeeds. It also contains one of Robin Williams’ best

Almost exactly how I feel as well. For me, Nolan is a very “cold” director in the sense that all of his narratives are usually complex and well-constructed, but his characters consistently lack depth and convincing emotional motivation such that I don’t care much what happens to them.

Unpopular opinion: Inception is way overrated. Pretty to look at, but intellectually empty. I enjoyed it but have no reason to ever watch it again. It’s what happens when you give someone plenty of money to invest in a pretentious project that really only makes sense in terms of itself.  The ending is not as deep as

I love Christopher Nolan in general, but I remain extremely disappointed by Inception. Why did the “dreamscapes” all play like typical Hollywood action fare? I found it to be a huge missed opportunity with no heart at the center. It spent WAY too much time explaining and justifying its own mechanics, which were not

I mean, I’ve been alive for slightly over 4 decades and I’ve met two bad dogs in that time.

Autoplay woke up my partner while I tried to surf this in bed.

I find everything you wrote incredibly fascinating and heartbreaking. Is there any way to see any of your life work? Has it ever received cinema or streaming distribution?

A.A. this piece touched a nerve with me. I’ll say upfront I’m biased, and perhaps I’m just a bitter SOB full of sour grapes. But with that disclaimer, here’s my experience when it comes to festivals, as a filmmaker. I’ve been making films for close to twenty years. I have a half dozen features under my belt, as a

+1 to all of this. This thread was killing me until I got to your comment. Thank you!