Batato Frito

How much did the AMPTP pay you to post this?

How much did the AMPTP pay you to post this?

As a therapist myself, I found it really interesting.

Dayum. I imagine you’ve looked for treatment. I’m a psychotherapist, that’s why I ask - some of these things can be totally healed and if not, are made able to live with.

Have you read “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle? My mind broke (a dumpster fire allright) and now it’s 90% great.

Classic Psychopathic behaviour.

And, from what I’ve heard, one of the people responsible for the most deaths documented.

Good for her and anyone who likes her writing.

Good for her and anyone who likes her writing.

Isn’t it a teeny bit rushed to judge the book by the summary? I understand you probably have to write a certain amount of articles or write as many as you can to increase clicking, but I would seriously tell you to read the book first and then tell us about it. As a writer, it seems to me quite unfair to judge a book

I’d say that the problem with Solo is, in a nutshell, the fact that it’s a Ron Howard movie. That means, plain Vainilla. Of all the director’s that they could have hired to take the movie off of Miller and Lord, they chose the blandest, most obvious example. Same with J.J. Abrams, one of the shallowest big filmmaker

Read it. It’s still a third person account. I know many people who where there when it happened and it was an incredible place which changed their lives for good. I’d really recommend for you to go read Osho and understand his teachings. The rest is hearsay. If then you don’t like him, I’m all for a discussion.

Hahaha, made me laugh out loud! Thanks

Great interview! Thanks. Though, and not to sound condescending in anyway, but this woman is quite depressive! I’m a a clinical psychologist and from this interview I’d say she could benefit from deep internal work. Sadly most psychotherapy is too shallow and with too short effects to make a deep and lasting change. It

I would say something similar. Here’s my opinion (minor spoilers ahead on this, Dark Knight and Interstellar).

It’s a really great movie in many fronts: it’s beautiful (save for the fourth dream that has some crappy cgi looking stuff); the music is amazing; the locations and action setpieces are mostly really cool (the

Shout out to Dream Theater back in the marquee on the article image. Amazing band back then!

Check out some torrenting pages. There’s a certain privateer related one where I found a good copy.

My favorite role of his too. Amazing movie. If you haven’t watched it, do yourself the favor.

Not my favorite role of his (that would be The Belly of an Architect. If you haven’t watched it, do so.), but I wanted to mention the, for me, totally underappreciated Malick film Knight of Cups. That movies is beautiful in all the senses and one of the few really profoundly spiritual films there is. He’s the father

Same thing happened to me with Hundred Thousand Kingdoms. Then I saw the Hugo awards list in Wikipedia and was taken aback by the three-in-a-row wins of the Broken Earth trilogy. Decided to read it, and thought, all the time, it’s gonna get better, come on, 3 hugos? Come on... Enough is to say I didn’t like it either.

Katie (and anybody else who is interested) I just want to say that even though the whole Osho-Oregon episode is horrible and monstrous, I do recommend that you check out Osho’s teachings. For me, they are some of the most mind-blowing and life affirming discourses available. Which has always made the whole story