ooohh yeah there it is
ooohh yeah there it is
I’m a Bernie supporter and I cringed at his answer to the racial blind spot question. I think I understand what he was trying to get at, that our society is incredibly racially segregated and institutional racism makes it harder if you’re a poor person of color vs a poor white person, but man he has got to get a…
This is exactly what bothers me about Sanders...he thinks racism is just an economic issue...
It’s almost like context is important or something
The police know that F-bombs aren’t actual bombs, don’t they?
Countdown to his Grindr profile being discovered in 3, 2...
NO! You don’t understand - a mustachioed 33 year old white barrista with an B.A. from a mid-tier Liberal Arts school whose parents pay his Park Slope rent while he “reviews” movies in his Facebook status is EXACTLY who should be telling African Americans, Latinos, women etc what they should be doing and what is best…
The condescension Berners show for minorities who don’t support their king is embarrassing. “I can’t believe these brown people are too stupid to figure out what’s good for them!”
The video of Brie Larson hugging the survivors as they left the auditorium left me in tears.
This is the real solution. If you must have control over the seat adjacent to yours, you are going to have to purchase that seat. Period.
It seems pretty easy to me; your sincerely held religious beliefs don’t give you the right to discriminate against others, or to get someone else to do so on your behalf. And if those beliefs mean you’re incapable of doing your job, you get to find a new job.
Yes. Yes he should. But RELIGION and PENIS.
or buy the seat next to you if you have concerns about who you have to sit next to.
Also, if your religion prohibits you from interacting with literally half the people on the planet, your religion probably sucks.
Finally. If your religion prohibits any sight or incidental contact with women, maybe you should stay home. We certainly won't.
Melissa Click was an assistant professor, not an associate professor. This is very easy information to find and substantially changes the story. Associate professors have tenure while assistant professors do not.
Again not saying racism doesn’t exist. But I do wonder if blacks have told themselves that they are oppressed so much that they begin to believe those thoughts.
I feel like that is super relevent and pisses me off. Generally speaking, I don’t really think the legislation should get involved in what should ultimately be a school disciplinary issue. Pushing for a school to follow law, yes, but forcing them to fire because the didn’t like her actions?
This article is missing the point about why this is news: state legislators and the board of trustees denying due process and ignoring faculty governance. Oh, and the extortion part— the state legislature (though they say they didn’t) holding the cash-strapped university financially hostage to fire a professor as a…