I take your point but would add: this assumes Carlin wouldn’t have evolved at all if he’d lived to see these days. He just doesn’t strike me as the type to rest on laurels or stop thinking at a certain age.
I take your point but would add: this assumes Carlin wouldn’t have evolved at all if he’d lived to see these days. He just doesn’t strike me as the type to rest on laurels or stop thinking at a certain age.
Yes, I know. You’re voting for Bernie. Clinton is the establishment candidate. She takes money from corporations. He’s a man of the people. #feelthebern #notvotingforhillary #goingtostatetheaboveeverytimehernameisevermentionedanywhere
this is the exact reason we fought the american revolution, iirc
can we talk about how bad the US promos are for this though
This isn’t an immigration issue; this is a male issue. See also: rape culture; patriarchy; misogyny; domestic violence; crime statistics; sexual assault statistics; gun violence statistics...
So when women are sexually assaulted by Arab appearing men, the solution is obviously we close the borders.
That’s fine, if the teams find them to be a cost burden, they are under no requirement to have cheerleaders. That said, if someone is doing a job for you, pay them, especially if you are a multi-million/billion dollar operation.
I hear the best way to win a legal custody battle is to bitch about it on twitter...
Bill Clinton becomes President and The X-Files goes on the air. Hillary Clinton leads in the polls and The X-Files comes back on the air.
Pictured below; The newest additions to the Clinton campaign team...
That’s right! I’m an AMERICAN! She’s not the boss of me! It says so in the Declaration of Independence!
Since you also appear to misunderstand what Due Process is, let me clarify. Due Process is a thing that the Government must give you when it takes an action that affects any of your rights.
Since you seem to also not really understand how Due Process works, let me clarify something for you:
If you are reading this, I am high. Very, very high. I’m on two Xanax, one Norco, and a handful of ibuprofen I took…
Fucking morons, if you grew up with a mother on welfare then welfare is the reason you are alive, let alone successful enough to spew bullshit on tv. Do they realise without welfare they’d probably have died from malnutrition?
I prefer these bullets.
“Watch the full rally below...”
Tell me about it. I’ve put on 10 pounds since gay marriage became legal. Coincidence? I think not.
I always find it hilarious when MRAs find women “unfuckable” while also being involuntarily celibate.