
I cannot imagine owning a 1.2L crossover and not wanting to drive off the nearest bridge.

Anything can be pushed past its breaking point.

Never replace a vehicle until maintenance is higher than vehicle monthly payments 

“But poverty is necessary to sell capitalism, it’s an essential part of unregulated capitalism.”

Poverty is expensive.

I look at this and wonder if China is capable of producing anything original that LOOKS remotely close to what they’re pirating.

Seriously, China and their tinpot dictator Xi can go to hell.

I do not watch the program either, but my perception is that the majority of her audience are white cis gendered, middle aged women. Granted this is the audience they are shooting for during the daytime, but I don’t know a single gay person, including myself, that watch her, which ought to be her built in viewers. On

The US will never “get” it. You’re partially right.

You may have done that. Many others didn’t. You simply had to turn on a television to see that.

Tell me why that won’t or can’t happen at the Speedway. You said yourself you’ve never been. I’ve been many times. It’s 560 acres. 117,000 fans is going to seem like the place is empty. There is plenty of space to social

Mazda5, because 60 pound dog and possible luggage?

holy shit - your family basically got SWAT’ed. That is deadly serious business.


So, supposing we hit the company with a tremendous – whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light – and I think you said that that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it.

Looking at the sticker price of the average car, People cannot afford a $600+ car payment 

I don’t have a Toque, or earmuffs and my wife won’t let me wear plaid and the mouse died when it drank the swill they sell down here. But I check most of the rest of the boxes.   

Tom. Just no. Get rid of this abomination.

I forgot about the Alzheimer’s joke.