Bassy Kims of Yesteryear

Anyone remember the Usenet newsgroup alt.wesley.crusher.die.die.die?

Can we please rename the SyFy net at this point, in that it no longer has anything to do with SF? We can get more SF on MeTV. At least they air the Twilight Zone daily.


"Tone! You lost weight! Ya look great, Skip."

Exactly. His guard is down, so has no clue when Members Only Guy comes out of the men's room and blows his brains out.

Now y'all stop with this groupsex talk. We're trying to talk about the Sopranos here…

Meadow, in a bout of unintended acceleration, crashed her Lexus through Holsten's front window and ran her dad over?

Happened to see an interview with Kurt on TV, and he mentioned that he "steals" from both Moonie and Bun E. Carlos.

Well, he works the hardest at drinking onstage… ;-)

Sheesh. These pipedreams people have.

Mr Newman simply melds colors as easily as he melds the vocals of all the NPs.

And, if you haven't already, grab Kathryn's solo Bright and Vivid, which is very different, and very good.

And you haven't run off/started a band with her because… ???

Well, this is one great damn album.

Simple solution: send her through time via an Energy Bubble again.

Agreed. But, the Mirror Universe theme and its montage were fantastic

I'm really sorry that Enterprise is gone. I didn't care for the whole Xindi/9-11 arc, but some (many, actually) of the latter episodes were very, very good.

I dunno… Shub-Niggurath always got my goat.


We know it's you, Sawyer.