Bassy Kims of Yesteryear

I'm imagining this show without Idiot Tandy (and yes, I know - this is Will Forte's show).

You decide. Two live cuts, same studio. New album:

Bejar has always only come onstage for his NP songs. This is called showbiz. This is called an act. By all accounts, the man is a sweetheart.

Erik cuts right to the center of the problem with Whiteout.

I think Dan ducked out because he heard the demos/rough mixes. Smart man, that Dan.

Sure. And the USDA has a foreign organic inspection program to ensure that offshore producers meet federal standards.

No, I'm not one of those "picky people". I'm someone who did a fair amount of research into pesticide and herbicide use in the US, though.

The pro-pesticide slant of this otherwise interesting article is purely ignorant.

Or, it could be on trek to die. Heh.

The Plaza was real; the mace was prop mace…

The part I'll never understand about such remake stupidity… why bother to even reference the original show?

Well, the only potential pilot dies in a explosive crash, so no Australia trips anytime soon.

Never thought Pence was elected. I believe they're going with the idea that Trump will resign, which seems entirely possible.

In an alternative timeline/universe, Allison wrote up a killer review of the finale.

I find it fascinating that Timeless has turned all of its main characters into murderers.

Enjoyed the ep, and love that FX brought this show back.

I had no idea.

What, no l̶o̶v̶e̶ hate for 2.5 Men, which essentially reran the same stupid, misogynistic plotline 262 times?