Bassy Kims of Yesteryear

That doesn't explain steaming shitepiles like Whitney.

Yep. Alan Sipinwall once wrote that Ganz was the only writer who wrote for the Shirley character, which I thought was quite bizarre.

Rumor is, if they can fix Chevy's decomposition problem, and his ignition switch problem, he'll be back.

Ha! Speaking of which, here's a compilation of Jim Rockford's incoming messages:

-. —- .— - …. .- - .— .- … .—- ..- … - .— .-. —- -. —.

Well, if you can't get James Gandolfini or Michael Imperioli, then SS is surely the next best choice.

"Lebensraum" - in which S6 is picked up on German TV…

But… but… who trips over the couch???

Allison's in the Who? She's an OK drummer, but no one can replace Keith Moon…

Actually outsourced to baby actors, with the exception of Baby Shirley, who gets a voiceover from Yvette Nicole Brown…

That's awful.

That just means that we lose some of the Community actors we've known and loved. Thinking like an industry exec, it can always just be, um, re-cast. :)

The image accompanying this article is far, far better than the show can possibly be.

An equal hoot is this dubbed (and improved!) version of Start Me Up:

Lemme guess… coughing and count-ins with added strings.

Wow. I would very much like to be friends with that friggin' genius…

This is a good place to start…

NBC exec?

Plus, NBC owns P&R outright, which isn't true for Community.

If we'd found out that she was dating Gillian Jacobs, I suspect that the interest level would be somewhat higher.